Wireless War Drama], A [Drama]

At the outbreak of war in 1939, the BBC evacuated its newly-formed Radio Drama Company of actors, led by Val Gielgud, to Worcestershire. To mark a hundred years of radio drama at the BBC, a cast of current and former members of the RDC perform this new drama by Hannah Khalil. So how do you record a play in the stables of a Victorian stately home?

Val Gielgud - Carl Prekopp

Laurence - Joel MacCormack

Audrey/Wendy - Clare Corbett

Pete/Bill - Ben Crowe

Gladys - Jessica Turner

Leonard - John Lightbody

Mary - Kitty O'Sullivan

Charles Siepmann - Michael Bertenshaw

Warden - Tyler Cameron

Marius Goring - Josh Bryant-Jones

Sound design by Peter Ringrose with Alison Craig and Mike Etherden

Production Co-ordinator - Maggie Olgiati

1939. The BBC's company of radio actors are evacuated from London to escape the bombs.

Hannah Khalil's drama follows Val Gielgud and the BBC's company of radio actors as they are evacuated to the countryside in 1939. Recording plays in a stately home is no picnic.

