
01A Change Of Direction2008012820170703 (BBC7)
20170704 (BBC7)
20191028 (BBC7)
20191029 (BBC7)
20240624 (BBC7)
20081129 (R4)
Gwyneth Lewis visits a remote island as she contemplates a change in direction in her life

Gwyneth Lewis visits a remote island as she contemplates changing her direction in life.

02Outcasts2008012920170704 (BBC7)
20170705 (BBC7)
20191029 (BBC7)
20191030 (BBC7)
20240625 (BBC7)
20081206 (R4)
Gwyneth Lewis explores the history of the Lundy and how the island may change her life.

Gwyneth Lewis explores the history of Lundy and how the island may change her life.

03The Weather Gods2008013020170705 (BBC7)
20170706 (BBC7)
20191030 (BBC7)
20191031 (BBC7)
20240626 (BBC7)
20081213 (R4)
Poet Gwyneth Lewis explores Lundy Island's paradoxical qualities.
04This Is Our Quarry2008013120170706 (BBC7)
20170707 (BBC7)
20191031 (BBC7)
20191101 (BBC7)
20240627 (BBC7)
20081220 (R4)
Gwyneth Lewis investigates island myths and a particular quality of timelessness.
05 LASTGateway To The Other World2008020120170707 (BBC7)
20170708 (BBC7)
20191101 (BBC7)
20191102 (BBC7)
20240628 (BBC7)
20081227 (R4)
Gwyneth Lewis considers the satisfaction of adventure close to home.