
01The King's Favourite2012043020120501 (BBC7)Richard Burton narrates the playwright's chronicle of the English Crown.
02Revenge2012050120120502 (BBC7)
03Obsession2012050220120503 (BBC7)A countess distracts Edward III. Stars Keith Michell.
04The Black Prince2012050320120504 (BBC7)
05Treason2012050420120505 (BBC7)King Richard II risks rebellion. Stars Derek Jacobi.
06King Of Snow2012050720120508 (BBC7)King Richard II must face his doom. Stars Derek Jacobi.
07Victims2012050820120509 (BBC7)Richard Burton narrates the playwrights' account of the English Crown. A new King rules.
08Vulgar Company2012050920120510 (BBC7)Richard Burton narrates the playwrights' story of the English Crown. Falstaff appears.
09Rebellion2012051020120511 (BBC7)The playwrights' chronicle of the English Crown. Henry IV clashes with his rivals.
10Corruption2012051120120512 (BBC7)Falstaff gathers a very small army. Stars Billie Whitelaw.
11Deception2012051420120515 (BBC7)Father and son reunite. Stars Martin Jarvis and Colin Baker.
12Tennis Balls2012051520120516 (BBC7)The new king is insulted by the French. Stars Martin Jarvis.
13Harfleur2012051620120517 (BBC7)France is now in the King's sights. Starring Martin Jarvis.
14St. Crispin's Day2012051720120518 (BBC7)Two nations clash in fierce battle. Starring Martin Jarvis.
15Joan Of Arc2012051820120519 (BBC7)The French triumph in war. Or do they? Starring Colin Baker.
16The White Rose, And The Red2012052120120522 (BBC7)The War of the Roses begins. Stars Hannah Gordon.
17Witchcraft2012052220120523 (BBC7)Joan of Arc has been captured. Stars Hannah Gordon.
18Jack Cade2012052320120524 (BBC7)Henry VI is beset by rivals. Stars Dame Peggy Ashcroft.
19A Paper Crown2012052420120525 (BBC7)Rival royals clash. Stars Ian Ogilvy and Dame Peggy Ashcroft.
20Warwick The Kingmaker2012052520120526 (BBC7)Edward IV faces his rivals. Stars Dame Peggy Ashcroft.
21The Tower2012052820120529 (BBC7)Brutal Richard stars plotting. Stars Dame Peggy Ashcroft.
22The Little Princes2012052920120530 (BBC7)Richard of York's plans bear fruit. Stars Ian Ogilvy.
23Ghosts2012053020120531 (BBC7)Richard III's rule is challenged. Stars Peggy Ashcroft.
24The Pretender2012053120120601 (BBC7)Henry VII defends his crown. Stars Brian Cox.
25Divorce2012060120120602 (BBC7)Henry VIII desires a male heir. Stars Diana Rigg.
26Elizabeth2012060420120605 (BBC7)Henry VIII remarries. Stars Sir John Gielgud.