Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway's Party [Afternoon Reading]


01Mrs Dalloway In Bond Street20110215Fascinated and preoccupied by the idea of this social event, Virginia Woolf wrote this story sequence around the same time as writing the novel Mrs Dalloway.

In each of these three stories, glimpse each character's inner most thoughts and emotions. as Woolf depicts the intriguing social world of Mrs Dalloway's party in microscopic detail.

This story, follows Mrs Dalloway as she runs errands and prepares for the party she's hosting...

Read by Sylvestra Le Touzel

Abridged by Miranda Davies

Producer: Lucy Collingwood

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

Mrs Dalloway runs errands and prepares to host an intriguing party.

02Together And Apart20110216Fascinated and preoccupied by the idea of this social event, Virginia Woolf wrote this story sequence around the same time as writing the novel Mrs Dalloway.

In each of these three stories, glimpse each character's innermost thoughts and emotions as Woolf depicts the intriguing social world of Mrs Dalloway's party in microscopic detail

This story sees two people introduced at Mrs Dalloway's party who begin a rather awkward conversation where each of their internal thoughts about the other is revealed. Until they hit upon a subject close to both of their hearts.

Read by Emma Fielding

Abridged and produced by Lucy Collingwood

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

Two partygoers chat awkwardly as their internal thoughts are revealed.

03The New Dress20110217Fascinated and preoccupied by the idea of this social event, Virginia Woolf wrote this story sequence around the same time as writing the novel Mrs Dalloway.

In each of these three stories written in Woolf's distinctive style, glimpse each character's inner most thoughts and emotions as Woolf depicts the intriguing social world of Mrs Dalloway's party in microscopic detail.

In 'The New Dress', Mabel chooses a new yellow dress of a different style to wear to Mrs Dalloway's party. However, the moment she arrives she feels wishes she hadn't.

Read by Amanda Root

Abridged by Miranda Davies

Producer: Lucy Collingwood

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

Mabel instantly regrets choosing to wear her new yellow dress to Mrs Dalloway's party.