The Tomb By H P Lovecraft

The obsessive Jervas Dudley reveals the sinister events leading up to his incarceration in an asylum.

First published in 1917, H P Lovecraft's chilling tale is read by Ryan McCluskey.

American writer, H P Lovecraft (1890-1937) is recognised as one of the most significant figures in 20th century supernatural fiction. Contemporary horror writers, including Stephen King, often cite him as a major influence. His own outlook on life is mirrored in his writing.

'I am so beastly tired of mankind and the world that nothing can interest me unless it contains a couple of murders on each page or deals with the horrors unnameable and unaccountable that leer down from the external universes.'

Lovecraft found living, the everyday stuff of life a painful experience. At every turn he felt disillusioned by what life had to offer. Through his writing he sought to put into words these sentiments.

Producer: Gemma Jenkins

Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in November 2005.

The obsessive Jervas Dudley reveals how he came to be incarcerated in an asylum.


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