The Ruling Passion


0120081027David Horovitz reads from David Pownall's novel, recounting the life of Edward II, his troubled reign and his divisive relationship with the knight Piers Gaveston.

July 1303: Edward I embarks on a military campaign to subdue Scotland. At home, his son Ned shows little appetite for kingship, instead directing his attentions towards the Gascon knight Piers Gaveston.

With Edward I away fighting the Scots, the young Edward shows little appetite for kingship

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0220081028Edward I struggles to persuade his son to give up his unhealthy obsession with Gaveston.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0320081029The king is furious when young Edward attempts to give away some of his lands to Gaveston.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0420081030An encounter with a holy man at York Cathedral causes the king unexpected distress.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0520081031Following the death of his father, the newly-crowned Edward II swiftly ennobles Gaveston.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0620081103Edward's relationship with Gaveston causes consternation among the Church and the nobility

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0720081104Edward's enemies prepare to bring the new King to heel.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0820081105Gaveston settles some old scores.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

0920081106Edward and Gaveston contravene a pact drawn up with the Kingdom's most powerful families.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature

1020081107Gaveston is exiled to Bruges, but Edward cannot do without him.

Readings from modern classics, new works by leading writers and world literature