Roger Stennett - Stardust

Since the Normandy Invasion, Major Glenn Miller's Band of the American Expeditionary Forces had travelled the length and breadth of England raising servicemen's morale.

Glenn was looking forward to being in Paris for a Christmas Day broadcast and his plane took off on December 15th, 1944 - but the band leader never landed.

A unique period in musical history had come to an end...

Starring Ed Bishop, William Roberts and Kerry Shale.

Roger Stennett's drama brings to life Glenn Miller's final months and explores the lives of the aircrew of the B-17 Stardust Melody, for whom Miller's music was a Hunk o' Home.

Major Glenn Miller - Ed Bishop

Lieutenant Don Haynes - William Roberts

Staff Sgt Elmer Perry - Kerry Shale

Lieutenant Bob 'Duke' Freeman - Stephen Hoye

Lieutenant Colonel Norman Baessell - David Healy

Helen Miller - Shelley Thompson

T/Sgt Ray McKinley - Christopher Ryan

Sgt Paul Dudley - Matthew Morgan

Sgt Johnny Desmond - Adam Henderson

Staff Sgt Herman 'Trigger' Alpert - Neil Roberts

Staff Sgt Mel Powell - Jonathan Tafler

Maurice Goreham - Peter Penry Jones

Cecil Madden - Nicholas Murchie

Josie - Alison Reid

Jack Bishop - Vincent Marzello

Franco Minelli - Mark Straker

Jesus Mendoza - Peter Gunn

Henry Drew - Clive Hill

Eugene Roach - Terence Edmond

Waitress - Siriol Jenkins

Music played by Alan Ellis, Donovan Carpenter and Hank Starrs.

Director: Adrian Bean

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1992.

Glenn Miller wants his exhausting tour of wartime England to end so he can visit Paris.

Band leader Glenn Miller is raising spirits in war weary England but is looking forward to visiting Paris. Starring Ed Bishop.


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