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Barcelona | 20230330 | As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for solutions. The fourth in a series of five programmes exploring some radical alternatives. Barcelona has been rolling out a radical housing policy over the past seven years that is transforming the face of affordable living in the city with some innovative ideas for solving a housing crisis. Kirsty finds out how it all began. As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for some solutions. An in-depth look at rented housing in the UK. |
Communal Living | 20230329 | As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for solutions. The third in a series of five programmes exploring some radical alternatives. Communal housing has moved on since the days of hippy communes in the 60s and 70s. Kirsty talks to founders of communal living and co-housing in San Francisco, Vienna and Leeds, and finds a way of life that brings people together. As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for some solutions. An in-depth look at rented housing in the UK. |
London | 20230328 | As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for solutions. The second of a series of five programmes exploring some radical alternatives. Kirsty talks to two pioneers in the houseboat community, who now have plans to develop low-cost floating housing for rental on the Thames. It could be an affordable way of living in the heart of London that brings new life back to the river. As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for some solutions. An in-depth look at rented housing in the UK. |
Singapore | 20230331 | As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for solutions. The fifth in a series of five programmes exploring some radical alternatives. Most of the population in Singapore own their homes and very few rent, because home ownership is affordable and heavily subsidised by the government. Kirsty discovers how Singapore made it possible and whether it could be an answer when rents are on the rise in the UK. As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for some solutions. An in-depth look at rented housing in the UK. |
Vienna | 20230327 | As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for solutions. This is the first of a series of five programmes which explore some radical alternatives. Sixty per cent of Vienna's population lives in subsidised housing. And that reduces the cost of private rental accommodation too. Kirsty finds out the secret of the city's housing success and gets a tour of a local resident's home. Presenter: Kirsty Lang Photo: Gleis 21, a housing development in Vienna created by its residents, copyright Hertha Hurnaus As the cost of rent continues to rise across the UK, Kirsty Lang looks for some solutions. An in-depth look at rented housing in the UK. |