Episode | Title | First Broadcast | Repeated | Comments |
01 | Earth | 20240921 | 20240927 (BBC7) | ![]() Randy Feltface is done with us ruining the earth beneath our feet whether we're digging it up, setting fire to it, or tipping it into the sea so with the help of an irritable duck, a fictional French coal miner and a sexy earthworm he works out the best way to just get the whole destruction business over and done with. This head-on charge into possibly the most important subject facing humanity comes to you via a show where you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll learn, you'll laugh again between the learny bits and most of all, you'll be able to say “I was there when Radio 4 decided to have a show hosted by a puppet”. Randy Feltface has been seen on Netflix, ABC, NBC, and has a huge & devoted following across the globe (1m+ social media followers, 1.6m TikTok followers, 833k subscribers, 79m YouTube views). His hour-long specials are YouTube cult classics, his world tours are sold-out sensations, and he's the only Radio 4 presenter to be entirely made of felt. With Margaret Cabourn-Smith & William Hartley Randy Feltface digs deep and dirty. Randy Feltface is done with us ruining the earth beneath our feet whether we're digging it up, setting fire to it, or tipping it into the sea so with the help of an irritable duck, a fictional French coal-miner and a sexy earthworm he works out the best way to just get the whole destruction business over and done with. A four-part investigative audio series hosted by Randy Feltface |
02 | Fire | 20240928 | 20241004 (BBC7) | ![]() Randy Feltface is burning to tell you just how much we're burning ourselves into oblivion. Coming from a hemisphere where deadly fires are an ever-present threat, it's just so great to see us in the north take a leaf out of that book, roll it up and smoke it. Plus we hear from a Siberian Brown Bear discussing the effect of wildfires on habitat destruction & smoke particles on the Earth's albedo through the medium of statistics, charts and growling. With Margaret Cabourn-Smith & William Hartley Randy Feltface shares his burning passion. This head-on charge into possibly the most important subject facing humanity comes to you via a show where you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll learn, you'll laugh again between the learny bits and most of all, you'll be able to say “I was there when Radio 4 decided to have a show hosted by a puppet”. Randy Feltface has been seen on Netflix, ABC, NBC, and has a huge & devoted following across the globe (1m+ social media followers, 1.6m TikTok followers, 833k subscribers, 79m YouTube views). His hour-long specials are YouTube cult classics, his world tours are sold-out sensations, and he's the only Radio 4 presenter to be entirely made of felt. |
03 | Air | 20241005 | 20241011 (BBC7) | ![]() Randy Feltface is waking up and smelling the coffee. Unfortunately, he's also smelling carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, benzene, styrene, formaldehyde, arsenic, lead, chromium, benzoapyrene, dioxins, furans and PCBs - but that's modern-day industry for you. Don't believe him? Just ask popular Kidz TV presenter Mr Stinky! With Margaret Cabourn-Smith & William Hartley Randy Feltface blows hot and hotter. Randy Feltface is waking up and smelling the coffee. Unfortunately, he's also smelling carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, benzene, styrene, formaldehyde, arsenic, lead, chromium, benzo(a)pyrene, dioxins, furans and PCBs - but that's modern-day industry for you. Don't believe him? Just ask popular Kidz TV presenter Mr Stinky! This head-on charge into possibly the most important subject facing humanity comes to you via a show where you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll learn, you'll laugh again between the learny bits and most of all, you'll be able to say “I was there when Radio 4 decided to have a show hosted by a puppet”. Randy Feltface has been seen on Netflix, ABC, NBC, and has a huge & devoted following across the globe (1m+ social media followers, 1.6m TikTok followers, 833k subscribers, 79m YouTube views). His hour-long specials are YouTube cult classics, his world tours are sold-out sensations, and he's the only Radio 4 presenter to be entirely made of felt. |
04 LAST | Water | 20241012 | 20241018 (BBC7) | ![]() Randy Feltface takes a deep dive and comes up wishing he hadn't. Extinction, pollution, rising temperatures and a very angry salmon all make an unwelcome appearance in this show - but will Randy press on with his plan to press the destruction button, or will he have a change of heart and share his hopes for the future? With Margaret Cabourn-Smith, William Hartley & Venice Ohleyer Randy Feltface cries a river. |