John Wyndham - The Day Of The Triffids


01The End Begins1968062020190701 (BBC7)
20210104 (BBC7)
20210105 (BBC7)
20221101 (BBC7)
20221102 (BBC7)
It all begins with the end - the end of the world - almost.

It happens during a night of brilliant green flashes - meteors?

Perhaps - or satellite weapons. Who can say?

Survivor, Bill Masen recalls how the world was plunged into darkness with the dawning monstrous horror of ambulant plant life...

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel was first published in 1951.

Dramatised in six parts by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson .. - Bill Masen

Freda Dowie - Elspeth

Barbara Shelley - Josella

Garard Green .. - Umberto Palanguez

Ralph Truman .. - Managing Director

Michael Deacon .. - Young Bill

Peter Pratt - Mr. Masen

Peter Baldwin - Walter Lucknor

Jan Edwards - Nurse

Rolf Lefebvre - House Surgeon

Haydn Jones .. - Publican

John Pullen .. - Radio Commentator

This compelling tale has been made into a film, two TV series and three radio versions.

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell.

Brilliant flashes and a cloud of seeds. Bill Masen recalls the world's plant nightmare.

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower

02A Light In The Night1968062720190702 (BBC7)
20210105 (BBC7)
20210106 (BBC7)
20221102 (BBC7)
20221103 (BBC7)
'London was a city of the blind, the capital of a blind country in a blind world.'

Bill Masen finds a new companion, but can they survive the chaos of their surroundings?

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel.

Dramatised by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson .. - Bill Masen

Barbara Shelley - Josella Playton

John Wyse .. - Blind Man

John Pullen .. - Radio Commentator

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell.

Bill finds a sighted companion, but can they survive the chaos of their surroundings?

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower

03Conference And Confusion1968070420190703 (BBC7)
20210106 (BBC7)
20210107 (BBC7)
20221103 (BBC7)
20221104 (BBC7)
'There's a light... someone's trying to get the sighted people together - we're not alone!'

Bill and Josella join an army-led group, but their plans for a new community falter...

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel.

Dramatised by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson .. - Bill Masen

Barbara Shelley .. - Josella Playton

Anthony Viccars - Colonel Jaques

Peter Sallis - Coker

Freda Dowie - Elspeth

Victor Lucas .. - Doctor Varless

Michael McClain - Michael Beadley

Nigel Graham .. - Ivan Simpson

Marjorie Westbury - Miss Barr

Michael Deacon - Mac

Jan Edwards - Lucy

James McManus - Alf

Hilda Kriseman - Child

Anthony Jackson - Other

Pauline Letts - Other

Christopher Bidmead - Other

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell.

Bill and Josella join an army-led group, but plans for a new community falter.

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower

04Dead End1968071120190704 (BBC7)
20210107 (BBC7)
20210108 (BBC7)
20221104 (BBC7)
20221105 (BBC7)
'How am I supposed to find supplies like this - chained to a lot of blind men?'

Bill is forced to help a group of blind survivors. Will he ever find Josella, again?

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel.

Dramatised by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson - Bill Masen

James McManus .. - Alf

Michael Deacon - Mac

Jan Edwards .. - Lucy

Peter Sallis .. - Coker

Hilda Kriseman - Miss Durrant

John Pullen - Stephen Brennell

Wilfred Carter - Sid

Rosalind Shanks - Vera

Ann Murray - Woman

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell.

Bill is forced to help a group of blind survivors. Will he ever find Josella again?

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower

05World Narrowing1968071820190705 (BBC7)
20210108 (BBC7)
20210109 (BBC7)
20221107 (BBC7)
20221108 (BBC7)
'The utter loneliness was beginning to get on my nerves.'

Killer plants are on the rampage across the countryside. Bill sets off in search of Josella, but finds a new companion...

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel.

Dramatised by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson - Bill Masen

Barbara Shelley - Josella Playton

Jill Cary - Susan

Freda Dowie - Mary

David Brierley - Dennis

Margaret Robertson - Joyce

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell

Bill searches for Josella. The countryside now teems with killer plants.

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower

06Strategic Withdrawal1968072520190708 (BBC7)
20210111 (BBC7)
20210112 (BBC7)
20221108 (BBC7)
20221109 (BBC7)
Bill and Josella are offered hope, but yet another obstacle is put in their way...

Conclusion of John Wyndham's classic sci-fi novel.

Dramatised by Giles Cooper.

Gary Watson - Bill Masen

Barbara Shelley - Josella Playton

Freda Dowie - Elspeth

Haydn Jones - Torrance

Nigel Graham - Ivan

David Brierley - Dennis

Margaret Robertson - Joyce

Jill Cary - Susan

Alexander John - First man

Leonard Fenton - Second Man

Music composed by David Cain.

Producer: John Powell

John Wyndham's post-apocalyptic tale of murderous plants after a devastating meteor shower