John Shuttleworth's Lounge Music


0101Chas And Dave2014071320140718 (BBC7)
20140719 (BBC7)
20140720 (BBC7)
20180325 (BBC7)
Since the mid-1980s, aspiring singer/songwriter, John Shuttleworth has been posting audio cassettes of his 'finest songs to date' to pop stars throughout the land, in the hope that someone would record his material. But all to no avail.

However, the BBC has very kindly given John a series and asked him to invite pop starts to bring their music to his Sheffield home. So it is that Chas & Dave, Heaven 17, Toyah Willcox and Leee John find themselves in John's lounge having tea with wife Mary, being flirted with by Mary's friend Joan and hassled by John's agent Ken Worthington, as they try and perform not only one their greatest hits but more importantly, one of John's.

In the first show John welcomes Chas Hodges from Chas & Dave into the lounge. But where's Dave? Has he heard that Mary won't allow jellied eels in the house or didn't he want to come?

Whatever the reason, Chas will have to perform on his own using John's trusty keyboard although, as he's been influenced by Jerry Lee Lewis, John warns him that he won't tolerate any feet on the keyboard.

John invites Chas & Dave to sing one of his songs - and one of their own if they're lucky.

0102Heaven 172014072020140725 (BBC7)
20140726 (BBC7)
20140727 (BBC7)
20180401 (BBC7)
Since the mid-1980s, aspiring singer/songwriter, John Shuttleworth has been posting audio cassettes of his 'finest songs to date' to pop stars throughout the land, in the hope that someone would record his material. But all to no avail.

However, the BBC has very kindly given John a series and asked him to invite pop starts to bring their music to his Sheffield home. So it is that Chas and Dave, Heaven 17, Toyah Wilcox and Leee John find themselves in John's lounge having tea with wife Mary, being flirted with by Mary's friend Joan and hassled by John's agent Ken Worthington, as they try and perform not only one their greatest hits but more importantly, one of John's.

This week John is in a fluster as Kirsty the scottie dog has eaten the tape with all John's jingles on it - so he's having to play them all live and is worried they may all go wrong.

Mary has been complaining that the music is too loud - although she doesn't seem to mind when Heaven 17 are playing. And is that a lemon drizzle cake she's brought for them?

As Glenn and Martyn settle down to play one of their songs, Come Live With Me, Joan Chitty arrives and quite likes the sound of the title. So while John is fretting that the maths in the song lyrics are all wrong, Joan asks if the boys can give her a massage to ease her sciatica.

All this, along with Tina Charles telling John how to sing very high in Top Tips on the Telephone, leaves time short for Ken in the Konservatory - will it happen?

Written and Performed by Graham Fellows with special guests Heaven 17 and Tina Charles.

Heaven 17 are invited to sing one of John's songs - and one of their own if they're lucky.

0103Toyah Willcox2014072720140801 (BBC7)
20180408 (BBC7)
Aspiring singer/songwriter John Shuttleworth has been posting audio cassettes of his 'finest songs to date' to pop stars throughout the land, in the hope that someone would record his material. But all to no avail.

However, the BBC has very kindly given John a series and asked him to invite pop starts to bring their music to his Sheffield home. So it is that Chas and Dave, Heaven 17, Toyah Willcox and Leee John find themselves in John's lounge having tea with wife Mary, being flirted with by Mary's friend Joan and hassled by John's agent Ken Worthington, as they try and perform not only one their greatest hits but more importantly, one of John's.

This week Mary is not happy as John has invited Toyah Willcox to the lounge and she's worried that Toyah will live up to her wild 80's image and wreak havoc in the house. So, as Mary busies herself hiding the valuables and even the pillows in case Toyah throws them around and spreads feathers everywhere, John has to keep Toyah entertained in the garden. How will he explain all this to Toyah, who is expecting to sing in the lounge?

Also Gordon Giltrap tells John how to make his songs commercial in 'Top Tips on the Telephone' and, hopefully, there's Ken in the Konservatory.

Written and Performed by Graham Fellows with special guests Toyah Willcox and Gordon Giltrap.

John has invited Toyah Willcox to the lounge and his wife Mary is not happy.

0104 LASTLeee John Of Imagination2014080320140808 (BBC7)
20140809 (BBC7)
20140810 (BBC7)
20180415 (BBC7)
Aspiring singer/songwriter John Shuttleworth has been posting audio cassettes of his 'finest songs to date' to pop stars throughout the land, in the hope that someone would record his material. But all to no avail.

However, the BBC has very kindly given John a series and asked him to invite pop stars to bring their music to his Sheffield home. So it is that Chas and Dave, Heaven 17, Toyah Willcox and Leee John find themselves in John's lounge having tea with wife Mary, being flirted with by Mary's friend Joan and hassled by John's agent Ken Worthington, as they try and perform not only one their greatest hits but more importantly, one of John's.

It's the last show in the series this week but John is feeling a little stressed despite the fact all the jingles are recorded. John's final guest is Leee John from Imagination who's a very busy man involved with charity work, singing, acting and making a documentary - and John is worried that Leee is doing too much and should take things a bit easy. Maybe they could take a trip to the reservoir to check the levels as that's a very relaxing thing to do?

But Leee has been working since the age of 13 and is still full of energy so he's ready to sing one of John's songs, and indeed one of his own. As Leee prepares to sing Body Talk, John settles down to listen and by the end of it feels quite relaxed. But things get tense once more as Ken tries one last desperate attempt to woo a star to his stable. Will Leee be interested? And will Ken finally get to present the item Ken in the Konservatory?

Also, there are top tips on the telephone from Anita Harris.

Written and Performed by Graham Fellows with special guests Leee John and Anita Harris.

John's guest is Leee John from Imagination.

02012016112020161125 (BBC7)
20161126 (BBC7)
20170927 (BBC7)
20170928 (BBC7)
20200211 (BBC7)
20210830 (BBC7)
20210831 (BBC7)
20210905 (BBC7)
20240220 (BBC7)
20170920 (R4)
John Shuttleworth invites celebrated pop stars to his Sheffield home to perform one of their own songs and also, more importantly, one of his.

For starters, John welcomes Chris Difford from Squeeze - but not before he's ejected Ken from the front door with his unwanted request to show John and Chris his new windows.

Chris is soon invited to 'show us what you can do' and plays his classic song Up the Junction. John is duly impressed - but the admiration starts to fade when John finds out that Chris once took 50p from his mum's purse to place an advert in a shop window. Can John condone theft and forgive Chris, or will Chris have to redeem himself with his rendition of John's song Fish and Chips?

Also, Tom Robinson gives advice on how to become a radio DJ following pop success in Top Tips on the Telephone.

Special guests:

Tom Robinson.

A Chic Ken production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in November 2016.

John welcomes Chris Difford from Squeeze - but not before he has ejected Ken.

John welcomes Chris Difford from Squeeze - not before he's ejected Ken who's got new windows. Stars Graham Fellows. From 2016.

0202Clare Crogan2016112720161202 (BBC7)
20161203 (BBC7)
20171004 (BBC7)
20171005 (BBC7)
20200218 (BBC7)
20210906 (BBC7)
20210907 (BBC7)
20210912 (BBC7)
20240227 (BBC7)
20170927 (R4)
John Shuttleworth invites Clare Grogan from Altered Images to his Sheffield home to perform one of her songs and also, more importantly, one of his.

The timing of her visit couldn't be better as it's Doreen Melody's birthday and John is hoping that Clare will go along and sing Happy Birthday to Doreen - after all it's one of her biggest hits.

But he's most disappointed when Clare starts singing the wrong tune!

Surprisingly, it's Ken Worthington who saves the day by offering to take Clare on a date, hoping that she'll become Ken's Girl rather than Gregory's!

John will have to console himself with top tips on the telephone from Nick Lowe, who he hopes will solve the problem of Dolby hiss.

Written by and starring Graham Fellows.

Special guests Clare Grogan and Nick Lowe.

A Chic Ken production for BBC Radio 4,first broadcast in November 2016.

John Shuttleworth invites Clare Grogan to sing one of his songs.

John welcomes Clare Grogan, hoping she'll sing one of her biggest hits to Doreen Melody. Stars Graham Fellows. From 2016.

The timing of her visit couldn't be better as it's Doreen Melody's birthday and John is hoping that Clare will go along and sing Happy Birthday to Doreen - after all it's one of her biggest hits. But he's most disappointed when Clare starts singing the wrong tune!

A Chic Ken production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in November 2016.

John Shuttleworth invites Clare Grogan to sing his songs.

0203Nick Heyward2016120420161209 (BBC7)
20161210 (BBC7)
20171011 (BBC7)
20171012 (BBC7)
20200225 (BBC7)
20210913 (BBC7)
20210914 (BBC7)
20210919 (BBC7)
20240305 (BBC7)
20171004 (R4)
John Shuttleworth invites Nick Heyward from Haircut 100 to his Sheffield home to perform one of his own songs and also, more importantly, one of his.

Ken is very excited as he's heard that Nick has had a spiritual awakening and he's keen to learn how he can have one of his own. John feels that Ken is being silly wearing a kaftan and beads, but Ken is convinced that Nick can help him and ignores John.

Also, Mary is not happy with the smell of the josticks that Ken has lit so he's ejected by John while Nick wins Mary over with his rendition of Can't Go Back To Savoury Now.

In Top Tips on the Telephone, John learns from Tony Christie about coping with Eurovision failure!

With special guests

A Chic Ken production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in December 2016.

John Shuttleworth invites Nick Heyward to sing one of his songs.

John Shuttleworth invites Haircut 100's Nick Heyward to his home to perform one of their songs – and one of his! From 2016.

With special guests Nick Heyward and Tony Christie.

John Shuttleworth invites the stars to sing his songs. This week, it's Nick Heyward.

0204 LASTMari Wilson2016121120161216 (BBC7)
20161217 (BBC7)
20171018 (BBC7)
20171019 (BBC7)
20200303 (BBC7)
20210920 (BBC7)
20210921 (BBC7)
20210926 (BBC7)
20240312 (BBC7)
20171011 (R4)
John Shuttleworth invites singer Mari Wilson to his Sheffield home to perform one of her own songs and also, more importantly, one of his.

Joan Chitty gets very excited about Mari's visit as she used to have a wonderful beehive and Joan would like Mari to give her the same look. John is not convinced this is a good idea as Joan has very short spiky hair and far too much hair lacquer would be required.

Anyway, there are more important things to be done. Mari needs to sing one of John's songs and John has to prepare for a medley of Mari's songs and get Top Tips on the Telephone from Tony Burrows who famously appeared on Top of The Pops three times in one show!

With special guests Mari Wilson and Toni Burrows

A Chic Ken production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in December 2016.

John Shuttleworth invites the stars to sing his songs. This week, it's Mari Wilson.

John Shuttleworth invites Mari Wilson and her beehive to his home to perform one of their songs – and one of his! From 2016.