John Le Carre - A Delicate Truth


01A Rock And A Hard Place2013051320160328 (BBC7)
20160329 (BBC7)
20180305 (BBC7)
20180306 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar, a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer, the success, assured.

Tonight: Between a Rock and A Hard Place - the counter-operation swings in to action.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar swings into action.

02Suspicions And Unease2013051420160329 (BBC7)
20160330 (BBC7)
20180306 (BBC7)
20180307 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Suspicions and Unease - the more Toby sees of his new Minister, the less he understands.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

The more Toby sees of his new minister, the less he understands what really happened.

03Breaking Every Rule2013051520160330 (BBC7)
20160331 (BBC7)
20180307 (BBC7)
20180308 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Breaking Every Rule - Toby takes an irrevocable step.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

Trying to uncover the truth, Toby Bell takes an irrevocable step.

04Hard Evidence2013051620160331 (BBC7)
20160401 (BBC7)
20180308 (BBC7)
20180309 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Hard Evidence - his worst suspicions confirmed, who can Toby trust now?

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

05A Ghost From The Past2013051720160401 (BBC7)
20160402 (BBC7)
20180309 (BBC7)
20180310 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: A Ghost from the Past - Sir Christopher Probyn's idyllic retirement is about to be shattered.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

06A Bitter Pill2013052020160404 (BBC7)
20160405 (BBC7)
20180312 (BBC7)
20180313 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: A Bitter Pill - Kit learns the truth about the night on the Rock.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

Kit learns the truth about the night on the Rock of Gibraltar.

07A Good Man Lost2013052120160405 (BBC7)
20160406 (BBC7)
20180313 (BBC7)
20180314 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: A Good Man Lost - Where on earth is Jeb?

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

08Necessary Precautions2013052220160406 (BBC7)
20160407 (BBC7)
20180314 (BBC7)
20180315 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Necessary Precautions - as Toby puts together his case, he knows he is increasingly at risk.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

09Falling On Deaf Ears2013052320160407 (BBC7)
20160408 (BBC7)
20180315 (BBC7)
20180316 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Falling on Deaf Ears - Kit and Toby find their efforts to expose the truth rebuffed.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

10Truth Must Out2013052420160408 (BBC7)
20160409 (BBC7)
20180316 (BBC7)
20180317 (BBC7)
If the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing, how can they remain silent? Damian Lewis begins reading A Delicate Truth, the brand new novel from the master of his genre, John le Carr退, a novel which tells the story of a good man who must choose between his conscience and his duty to the Service.

An undercover counter-operation in the British colony of Gibraltar; a middle-ranking man from the Foreign Office serving as 'eyes on' and reporting to an ambitious Minister; the aim to capture a jihadist arms-buyer - the success, assured.

Tonight: Truth must out - whatever the cost.

John le Carr退 was born in 1931 and attended the universities of Bern and Oxford. He taught at Eton and served briefly in British Intelligence during the Cold War. For the last fifty years he has lived by his pen. He divides his time between London and Cornwall.

The battle to reveal the truth over events on the Rock must come out, whatever the cost.