
20080120081124Donald Macleod examines how history has treated Pachelbel, given that there is only a handful of documents from which to re-construct his life story. In his music, Donald considers how in the 17 century, Pachelbel's position in the central region of Germany allowed him to blend the intellectual style of the north with the lyrical mode of the south.

Canon and Gigue

London Baroque

Harmonia Mundi, HMA 19951539 - Tr 10

Jauchzet Gott alle Lande

Cantus Colln

Konrad Junghanel (conductor)

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472773052 - Tr 16

Musicalische Ergotzung (Partie No 6)

Les Cyclopes

Pierre Verany, PV794111 - Trs 1-6

Aria tertia (Hexachordum Apollinis)

Antoine Bouchard (organ)

Dorian, DOR93180 - Tr 2 (Complete Organ Works Vol 3)

Jauchzet dem Herrn

La Capella Ducale

Musica Fiata

Roland Wilson (director)

Ricercar RIC255 - Tr 8.

Donald Macleod considers how history has treated Pachelbel.

20080220081125Donald Macleod follows Pachelbel's swift progression to the city of Vienna, where Italian music was all the rage at the imperial court - and thence to his first professional appointments in provincial central Germany, where he was constantly striving for greater recognition.

Musicalische Ergotzung (Partie No 4)

Musica Antiqua Koln

Reinhard Goebel (director)

Archiv 4271182 Trs 16-19

Ciaccona in F

Joseph Payne (organ)

Centaur CRC 2304 - Tr 9


Johann Rosenmuller Ensemble

Arno Paduch (director)

Christophorus CHR77257 - Tr 15

Choral Preludes: Allein Gott in der Hoh' sei Ehr; Wir glauben all' an einen Gott

Antoine Bouchard (organ)

Dorian DOR93188 - Trs 9, 10 (Complete Organ Works Vol 5)

Pachelbel: Ach Herr, wie ist meiner Feinde so viel

Klaus Mertens (Bass)

London Baroque

Cavalli, CCD323 - Tr 8.

Donald Macleod follows Pachelbel's first steps in what would become an illustrious career.

20080320081126Donald Macleod examines the composer's relationship with the Bach family, which led to his becoming godfather to Johann Sebastian's sister, and a shared tragedy when disaster visits the town of Erfurt.

Wie nichtig, ach wie fluchtig

Jan Kobow (tenor)

London Baroque

Cavalli CCD332 - Tr 7

Partita: Christus, der ist mein Leben

Werner Jacob (organ)

Virgin Classics VC7910872 - Tr 13

Der Herr is Konig

Cantus Colln

Konrad Junghanel (conductor)

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472773052 - Tr 12

Aria con variazioni

Musical Antiqua Koln

Reinhard Goebel (director)

Archiv 4271182 - Tr 20

Christ lag in Todesbanden

Claire Lefilliatre, Aurore Bucher (soprano)

Hans Jorg Mammel, Philippe Froeliger (tenor)

Philippe Favette (bass)

David Van Bouwel (organ)

Chamber Choir of Namur

Les Agremens

Jean Tubery (director)

Ricercar RIC255 - Trs 6, 7.

Donal Macleod on Pachelbel's finding friendship, love and tragedy in the town of Erfurt.

20080420081127Donald Macleod charts how, after a period of stability in Erfurt, and with a growing family to support, Pachelbel strove to improve his circumstances. The composer travelled to Stuttgart and Gotha in search of the perfect position, before a dream job suddenly became available in his hometown of Nuremburg.

Fugue and Ricercar in C

Joseph Payne (organ)

Centaur CRC2304 (complete works, vol. 1) - Trs 2, 3

Musicalische Ergotzung, Partie I

London Baroque

Harmonia Mundi HMA 1951539 - Tr 2

Suite No 29 in E minor

Anthony Payne (harpsichord)

BIS CD809 - Trs 38-42

Halleluja! Lobet den Herrn

La Capella Ducale

Musica Fiata

Roland Wilson (conductor)

CPO 9999162 - Tr 3

Aria Sebaldina (Hexachordum Apollinis)

Werner Jacob (organ)

Virgin Classics VC7910872 - Tr 16.

Donald Macleod charts Pachelbel's search for work to support his growing family.

200805 LAST20081128Donald Macleod looks at the achievements of Pachelbel's final years, as the most important musician in the city of Nuremberg and the whole of central Germany. Some of Pachelbel's finest music was written during this period, which is only today being rescued from obscurity.

Fugue on the Magnificat primi toni No 20

Antoine Bouchard (organ)

Dorian DOR93206 - Tr 22 (Complete Organ Works, Vol 9)

Fugue on the Magnificat sexti toni No 5

Joseph Payne (organ)

Centaur CRC2304 - Tr 15

Cantus Colln

Konrad Junghanel (conductor)

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 05472773052 - Tr 7

Fugue on the Magnificat sexti toni No 6

Centaur CRC2304 - Tr 16

Pachelbel: Das Gewitter im Aprilen

Jan Kobow (tenor)

London Baroque

Cavalli CCD332 - Tr 14

Pachelbel: Fantasia and Toccata

Gustav Leonhardt (harpsichord)

Alpha ALPHA042 - Trs 8, 10

Musicalische Ergotzung (Partie No 3)

Les Cyclopes

Pierre Verany PV794111 - Trs 7-12

Magnificat in C

La Capella Ducale

Musica Fiata

Roland Wilson (director)

CPO 9999162 - Tr 6.

Donald Macloed uncovers Pachelbel's late masterpieces, largely forgotten since his death.