Jezebel By Irene Nemirovsky


0120161107In a French courtroom in 1935, the trial of Gladys Eysenach is taking place - an old woman, still beautiful, elegant, and accused of shooting dead her much-younger lover. N退mirovsky with her usual depth of insight and pitiless compassion, shows us the soul of a desperate woman obsessed with her lost youth. Throughout the week we dramatise key events in Gladys's life to discover the truth of why Gladys shot dead the young man.

Gladys ........ Frances Barber

N退mirovsky - Anna Francolini

Flora - Natasha Cowley

Presiding Judge - David Sterne

Jezebel written by Ir耀ne N退mirovsky

Translated by Sandra Smith

Dramatised by Ellen Dryden

Produced and Directed by Pauline Harris

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.

Ir耀ne N退mirovsky ( 24 February 1903 - 17 August 1942) was a novelist of Ukrainian Jewish origin born in Kiev Ukraine under the Russian Empire; she lived more than half her life in France and wrote in French, but was denied French citizenship. Arrested by the Nazis as a Jew under the racial laws - which did not take into account her conversion to Roman Catholicism - she died at Auschwitz at the age of 39. Successful in her day, she is now best known for the posthumously-published Suite fran瀀aise. N退mirovsky's older daughter, Denise, kept the notebook containing the manuscript for Suite Fran瀀aise for fifty years without reading it, thinking it was a diary, which would be too painful to read. In the late 1990s, however, she made arrangements to donate her mother's papers to a French archive and so read the notebook first. Upon discovering what it contained, it was published in France, where it became a bestseller in 2004. It has since been translated into 38 languages and as of 2008 has sold 2.5 million copies.

Gladys is so obsessed with hiding her age she will stop at nothing, including murder.

Drama set in 1900s France adapted from Irene Nemirovsky's novella about Gladys Eysenach.

0220161108Gladys, an older woman, obsessed with her lost youth and looks, has been imprisoned for murdering a younger man. She delves into key moments in her past that led to the murder. Early 1900's, 18 year old Gladys, is left alone with her cousin's husband, Claude, and discovers for the first time her power as a woman.

Gladys ........ Frances Barber

Younger Gladys ....... Keziah Joseph

N退mirovsky - Anna Francolini

Teresa ....... Victoria Brazier

Claude/Richard Eysenach ....... Conrad Nelson

Marie-Therese - Natasha Cowley

Produced and Directed by Pauline Harris

Jezebel by Ir耀ne N退mirovsky

Translated by Sandra Smith

Dramatised by Ellen Dryden

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.

Gladys is so obsessed with hiding her age she will stop at nothing, including murder.

Drama set in 1900s France adapted from Irene Nemirovsky's novella about Gladys Eysenach.

0320161109In 1930's France, Gladys, obsessed with her looks and lost youth, has been jailed for murdering a younger man. She delves into key moments in her past that led to the murder. Aged 40, Gladys is having an affair with Sir Mark and for the first time in her life she is rejected by a man.

Gladys - Frances Barber

N退mirovsky - Anna Francolini

Sir Mark - David Sterne

Claude - Conrad Nelson

Carmen Gonzales - Ellen Dryden

Jezebel by Ir耀ne N退mirovsky

Translated by Sandra Smith

Dramatised by Ellen Dryden

Produced and Directed by Pauline Harris

Gladys is so obsessed with hiding her age she will stop at nothing, including murder.

Drama set in 1900s France adapted from Irene Nemirovsky's novella about Gladys Eysenach.

0420161110In 1930's France, Gladys, obsessed with her looks and lost youth, has been jailed for murdering a younger man. She delves into key moments in her past that led to the murder. When she discovers her daughter, Marie-Therese is in love, she is vehemently opposed to her desire to marry. This leads to devastating action for Marie-Therese.

Gladys - Frances Barber

N退mirovsky/Jeanne...... Anna Francolini

Marie-Therese - Natasha Cowley

Oliver Beauchamp - John Catterall

Carmen - Ellen Dryden

Jezebel by Ir耀ne N退mirovsky

Translated by Sandra Smith

Dramatised by Ellen Dryden

Produced and Directed by Pauline Harris

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.

Nemirovsky drama about a woman so obsessed with her looks & lost youth she commits murder.

Drama set in 1900s France adapted from Irene Nemirovsky's novella about Gladys Eysenach.

0520161111In 1930's France, Gladys, obsessed with her looks and lost youth, has been jailed for murdering a younger man. She delves into her past and the mysterious events that led to the murder are revealed.

Gladys - Frances Barber

N退mirovsky/Jeanne - Anna Francolini

Bernard - Ashley Margolis

Jezebel by Ir耀ne N退mirovsky

Translated by Sandra Smith

Dramatised by Ellen Dryden

Produced and Directed by Pauline Harris

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.

Nemirovsky drama about a woman so obsessed with her lost youth she commits murder.

Drama set in 1900s France adapted from Irene Nemirovsky's novella about Gladys Eysenach.