Jessie Kesson Short Stories


01Country Dweller's Year2014090720180206 (BBC7)
20240812 (R4)
The first in a series of readings from the work of the acclaimed Scottish author Jessie Kesson. Best known for her novels 'Another Time, Another Place' and 'The White Bird Passes', Jessie Kesson's writing was often inspired by events from her own life and by the landscape of North East Scotland.

Tonight, extracts from her 'Country Dwelller's Year', first published in monthly instalments in the Scots Magazine during 1946. These finely honed observations of the natural world and the rhythms of the farming year were written when Jessie Kesson and her husband lived in Morayshire as cottar farm workers.


Cottar - farm labourer who occupies a cottage in return for their services

Howe - low-lying land

Orra loon - a lad employed to do miscellaneous unskilled work

Hairst - harvest

The full text of 'Country Dweller's Year' is published by Kennedy & Boyd as 'A Country Dweller's Years: Nature Writings By Jessie Kesson', edited and introduced by Professor Isobel Murray.

Reader - Claire Knight

Writer - Jessie Kesson

Beautifully observed nature writing inspired by life on a Morayshire farm.

Readings from the work of acclaimed Scottish author Jessie Kesson. Best known for her novels 'Another Time, Another Place' and 'The White Bird Passes', Jessie Kesson's writing was often inspired by events from her own life and by the landscape of North East Scotland.

Today, extracts from her 'Country Dwelller's Year', first published in monthly instalments in the Scots Magazine during 1946. These finely honed observations of the natural world and the rhythms of the farming year were written when Jessie Kesson and her husband lived in Morayshire as cottar farm workers.

Beautifully observed nature writing extracted from a journal, first published in 1946, inspired by life on a Morayshire farm. Read by Claire Knight. From Sep 2014.

02Cold In Coventry2014091420180207 (BBC7)
20240819 (R4)
The second in a series of readings from the work of the acclaimed Scottish author Jessie Kesson. Best known for her novels 'Another Time, Another Place' and 'The White Bird Passes', Jessie Kesson's writing was often inspired by events from her own life and by the landscape of North East Scotland.

Tonight, a poignant short story that evokes a young orphan girl's fears for her future when she returns 'In Disgrace' from her first job in service, to face the formidable Madam Superintendent of the Training Institution for Destitute Girls.

Reader - Lizzy Watts

A young woman fears for her future when she is dismissed from her first job in service.

Another reading from the work of acclaimed Scottish author Jessie Kesson. Best known for her novels 'Another Time, Another Place' and 'The White Bird Passes', Jessie Kesson's writing was often inspired by events from her own life and by the landscape of North East Scotland.

Today, a poignant short story that evokes a young orphan girl's fears for her future when she returns 'In Disgrace' from her first job in service, to face the formidable Madam Superintendent of the Training Institution for Destitute Girls.

Cold in Coventry: A young woman fears for her future as she returns in disgrace from her first job in service. Read by Lizzy Watts. From September 2014.

03Until Such Times2014092120180208 (BBC7)The final story in our series of readings from the work of the acclaimed Scottish author Jessie Kesson. Best known for her novels 'Another Time, Another Place' and 'The White Bird Passes', Jessie Kesson's writing was often inspired by events from her own life and by the landscape of North East Scotland.

Tonight's story is a beautiful evocation of a child's struggle to make sense of the adult world around her. Her unmarried mother, whom she calls 'Aunt' Ailsa, is unable to provide a home for her and she has been sent to the countryside to live with her grandparents. There is one instance of strong language.

Reader - Helen Mackay

A young girl struggles to make sense of the adult world around her.