Jazzed Up - How Jazz Changed Britain


20170221A look at the influence of the visits of Duke Ellington before and after World War II.

Kevin Le Gendre explores the spread of jazz into popular UK culture.

20170228In the century since the first jazz recordings, how has jazz has been received in the UK? Kevin Le Gendre explores how the music spread into popular culture.

Episode 3:
Kevin investigates the role of jazz in post World War 2 Britain and how the split between traditional and modern jazz showed itself in other art forms such as poetry.
Producer Harry Parker
Related link: http://sounds.bl.uk/Jazz-and-popular-music/Oral-history-of-jazz-in-Britain.

Kevin Le Gendre investigates the role of jazz in post World War II Britain.

Kevin Le Gendre explores the spread of jazz into popular UK culture.

2017022820170304 (R4)In the century since the first jazz recordings, how has jazz has been received in the UK? Kevin Le Gendre explores how the music spread into popular culture.

Episode 3:
Kevin investigates the role of jazz in post World War 2 Britain and how the split between traditional and modern jazz showed itself in other art forms such as poetry.
Producer Harry Parker
Related link: http://sounds.bl.uk/Jazz-and-popular-music/Oral-history-of-jazz-in-Britain.

Kevin Le Gendre investigates the role of jazz in post World War II Britain.

Kevin Le Gendre explores the spread of jazz into popular UK culture.

How has jazz been received in the UK?20170214A century after the first jazz recordings , how has jazz has been received in the UK? Kevin Le Gendre explores how the music spread into popular culture after the Original Dixieland Jazz Band first brought the sound of jazz to people's consciousness.

Episode 1:
Kevin explores how the music of jazz first made its way to the UK and hears how the idea of jazz began to spread into other areas of culture.
Produced by Harry Parker

Related Link: http://sounds.bl.uk/Oral-history/Oral-history-of-jazz-in-Britain.

A century after the first jazz recordings, how has jazz been received in the UK?

Kevin Le Gendre explores the spread of jazz into popular UK culture.