The Italian Patient


20080902Italian journalist Annalisa Piras assesses the state of her nation after the return to power of Silvio Berlusconi in March. For the Italian Right, his victory was a welcome shake-up of a sclerotic economy and political system and a return to a proud Catholic country with strong family values and secure borders. For the Left, however, Italy is now in crisis, a land ridden with xenophobia and political corruption.

Annalisa Piras assesses the state of Italy after the return to power of Silvio Berlusconi.

2008090220080907 (R4)Italian journalist Annalisa Piras assesses the state of her nation after the return to power of Silvio Berlusconi in March. For the Italian Right, his victory was a welcome shake-up of a sclerotic economy and political system and a return to a proud Catholic country with strong family values and secure borders. For the Left, however, Italy is now in crisis, a land ridden with xenophobia and political corruption.

Annalisa Piras assesses the state of Italy after the return to power of Silvio Berlusconi.