Iphigenia In Crimea [Drama On 3]

To mark TONY HARRISON's 80th birthday, a world premiere of his new verse drama, after Euripides.

Sebastapol, 1854, the Crimean War. A Classics-loving Lieutenant persuades a company of British soldiers to stage an all-male production of Iphigenia in Tauris. Starring BLAKE RITSON as Iphigenia and Robert Emms as Orestes.

Music performed by PETER RINGROSE (trumpet), Detta Danford (flute), Howard McGill (clarinet), Jon Banks (accordion) and Matt Sharp (cello).

Music composed and directed by Jon Nicholls.

For TONY HARRISON's 80th birthday, the premiere of his new verse drama, after Euripides.

Sebastopol, 1854, the Crimean War. In Tony Harrison's most recent play, a Classics-loving Lieutenant persuades a company of British soldiers in Ukraine to stage an all-male production of Iphigenia in Tauris. Stars Blake Ritson, Robert Emms and Richard Glaves.

Lieutenant/Iphigenia/Athena - Blake Ritson

Orestes - Robert Emms

Pylades - Richard Glaves

Sergeant/Thoas - John Dougall

Irish soldier/Cowherd/Chorus - Eugene O'Hare

Soldier/Messenger/Chorus - Michael Colgan

Soldier/Chorus of Greek Women - David Sterne

Soldier/Chorus of Greek Women - Gavi Singh Chera

Soldier/Chorus of Greek Women - John Bowler

Soldier/Chorus of Greek Women - Finlay Robertson

Director, Emma Harding

Tony Harrison's most recent play imagines Crimean War soldiers staging Euripides's play.


DO3DO32017042320220529 (R3)