In The Psychiatrist's Chair


Anita Roddick1996062320150801 (BBC7)
20150802 (BBC7)
Businesswoman and campaigner Anita Roddick tells Professor Anthony Clare about her early life and what motivates her.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

Businesswoman and campaigner Anita Roddick tells Dr Anthony Clare about her early life.

Ann Widdecombe1997070620140503 (BBC7)
20140504 (BBC7)
20160806 (BBC7)
20160807 (BBC7)
The former MP opens up to Dr Anthony Clare about religion, being single and her clash with Michael Howard. From July 1997.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The former MP opens up about religion, being single and her clash with Michael Howard.

Bernard Knight1994080720151128 (BBC7)
20151129 (BBC7)
Forensic pathologist and crime writer Bernard Knight had to do thousands of autopsies in his career, often for grim reasons. He tells Professor Anthony Clare how he coped.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October August 1994.

Pathologist Bernard Knight reveals how he coped with carrying out thousands of autopsies.

Billie Whitelaw1995090320150620 (BBC7)
20150621 (BBC7)
Acclaimed actress Billie Whitelaw tells Anthony Clare about the profound impact that Samuel Beckett had on her life.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The actress tells Anthony Clare about the profound impact Samuel Beckett had on her life.

Brian Masters1997081720140614 (BBC7)
20140615 (BBC7)
20160910 (BBC7)
20160911 (BBC7)
20200125 (BBC7)
20200126 (BBC7)
Brian Masters, the award winning author of 'Killing for Company' talks about his notions of good and evil.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1997.

The award-winning author of Killing for Company talks about his notions of good and evil.

Dame Barbara Cartland1991073120150718 (BBC7)
20150719 (BBC7)
20180106 (BBC7)
20180107 (BBC7)
Romantic fiction writer Dame Barbara Cartland talks to Dr Anthony Clare about her career and strongly held beliefs.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The romantic fiction writer talks about her career and strongly held beliefs.

Ed Mcbain1998101820140802 (BBC7)
20140803 (BBC7)
Crime novelist Ed McBain tells Anthony Clare about his childhood and an intense lifelong commitment to writing. From 1998.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The crime novelist tells Anthony Clare about his childhood and commitment to writing.

Gillian Slovo1997081020140607 (BBC7)
20140608 (BBC7)
20160917 (BBC7)
20160918 (BBC7)
20200118 (BBC7)
20200119 (BBC7)
South African-born playwright and novelist Gillian Slovo shares thoughts about her parents' dedication to their cause.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The South African-born writer shares thoughts about her parents' dedication to their cause

Gitta Sereny1998090620140621 (BBC7)
20140622 (BBC7)
20160820 (BBC7)
20160821 (BBC7)
Gitta chose controversial figures for biographies and believed we are all born 'good'.
Gore Vidal2000100820151114 (BBC7)
20151115 (BBC7)
20171216 (BBC7)
20171217 (BBC7)
Fastidious, unforgiving, disdainful, aphoristic, bellicose and wickedly compelling.

Legendary American writer and critic Gore Vidal (1925-2012) discusses his extraordinary life and career with Professor Anthony Clare.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

Producer: Michael Ember

Professor Anthony Clare scrutinises the legendary American writer.

Hanif Kureishi1998041020140719 (BBC7)
20140720 (BBC7)
20160813 (BBC7)
20160814 (BBC7)
The novelist and playwright tells Anthony Clare about trying to make sense of his real self through his work. From October 1998.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The novelist tells Anthony Clare about trying to make sense of his real self.

Joanna Lumley1994071720151121 (BBC7)
20151122 (BBC7)
20171104 (BBC7)
20171105 (BBC7)
The Absolutely Fabulous actress and activist Joanna Lumley shares her anxieties and regrets with Professor Anthony Clare.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October July 1994.

Actress Joanna Lumley shares her anxieties and regrets with Dr Anthony Clare.

John Bayley1999101020151107 (BBC7)
20151108 (BBC7)
Writer and critic John Bayley reveals his life and relationship with Iris Murdoch.
Jung Chang1996072820160102 (BBC7)
20160103 (BBC7)
20190525 (BBC7)
20190526 (BBC7)
Wild Swans author Jung Chang reflects on surviving the Cultural Revolution in China. With Professor Anthony Clare.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

Ken Russell1988081020150711 (BBC7)
20150712 (BBC7)
20171202 (BBC7)
20171203 (BBC7)
Film director Ken Russell tells Dr Anthony Clare about his childhood, his early life and his love for the power of the image.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The film director tells Dr Anthony Clare about his early life and love of the image.

Les Dawson1993090520160827 (BBC7)
20160828 (BBC7)
20140425 (R4)
Comedian Les Dawson's earnest and open interview with Dr Anthony Clare recorded the week before his death in 1993.

In published transcripts of the interview, Clare says he felt privileged to have been given the interview and described Les as being 'in good humour and talked, joked, clowned and recalled memories of his life with an energy and gusto that was infectious.' At the time of its first broadcast, it formed part of the BBC's tribute to, as Clare put it, 'a funny, generous, wise and happy man'.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

Produced for BBC Radio 4 by Michael Ember Associates. From September 1993.

Les Dawson's interview with Dr Anthony Clare recorded the week before his death in 1993.

Lord Lawson1998091920140705 (BBC7)
20140706 (BBC7)
20171223 (BBC7)
20171224 (BBC7)
Nigel Lawson reflects on a high profile political life and keeping feelings private. With Dr Anthony Clare. From September 1988.
Marjorie Wallace1997072020140517 (BBC7)
20140518 (BBC7)
20160903 (BBC7)
20160904 (BBC7)
The award-winning campaigning journalist and chief executive of SANE tells Dr Anthony Clare about her major influences. From 1997.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The award-winning campaigning journalist tells Dr Anthony Clare about her major influences

Martin Bell1996063020150905 (BBC7)
20150906 (BBC7)
Martin Bell explores the psychological aspects of a career as a war correspondent with Professor Anthony Clare.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

Martin Bell explores the psychological aspects of his career as a TV war correspondent.

Maya Angelou1984091120150822 (BBC7)
20150823 (BBC7)
20171118 (BBC7)
20171119 (BBC7)
Writer and civil rights campaigner Maya Angelou tells Professor Anthony Clare about the influences on her life.

Psychiatrist Dr Anthony Clare's in-depth interviews with prominent people from different walks of life. Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1994.

Writer and campaigner Maya Angelou tells Dr Anthony Clare about her influences.

Mel Calman1991082820150829 (BBC7)
20150830 (BBC7)
Cartoonist, writer and gallery owner Mel Calman talks to Professor Anthony Clare about the influences on his life.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

Cartoonist, writer and gallery owner Mel Calman talks about the influences on his life.

Nicholas Mosley1996080420160116 (BBC7)
20160117 (BBC7)
20190608 (BBC7)
20190609 (BBC7)
Award-winning novelist Nicholas Mosley tells Professor Anthony Clare about growing up with his father, fascist leader Oswald Mosley.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The novelist recalls growing up with his father, fascist leader Oswald Mosley.

Nicola Horlick1998092720140712 (BBC7)
20140713 (BBC7)
Nicola Horlick, the financier dubbed 'superwoman' talks about coping with family illness. With Dr Anthony Clare. From 1998.

The financier, dubbed 'superwoman', talks about coping with family illness.

Nigel Kennedy1997071320140510 (BBC7)
20140511 (BBC7)
The maverick violin star and footie fan talks to Dr Anthony Clare about intensive schooling, family and music. From July 1997.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The maverick violin star talks to Dr Anthony Clare about schooling, family and music.

Oleg Gordievsky2015072520150726 (BBC7)Oleg Gordievsky remains under sentence of death. The former British Secret Agent talks frankly to Professor Anthony Clare.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1995.

Former British secret agent Oleg Gordievsky talks to Professor Anthony Clare.

Paul Theroux1997072720140524 (BBC7)
20140525 (BBC7)
20160730 (BBC7)
20160731 (BBC7)
20200104 (BBC7)
20200105 (BBC7)
Controversial novelist and travel writer Paul Theroux talks to Dr. Anthony Clare about what spurs him on to write.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1997.

The controversial novelist and travel writer talks about what spurs him on to write.

Professor Norman Stone1997080320140531 (BBC7)
20140601 (BBC7)
20200201 (BBC7)
20200202 (BBC7)
Author Professor Norman Stone tells Anthony Clare about his loathing for Oxford University and admiration of Margaret Thatcher.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1997.

Professor Norman Stone on loathing Oxford University and admiration of Thatcher.

Rd Laing1985071420150808 (BBC7)
20150809 (BBC7)
A key figure in the 60s, influential psychiatrist RD Laing tells Professor Anthony Clare about the major influences on his life.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

A key figure in the 60s, influential psychiatrist RD Laing talks to Dr Anthony Clare.

Robert Winston1994090420151212 (BBC7)
20151213 (BBC7)
20171111 (BBC7)
20171112 (BBC7)
Pioneering human fertility expert, Professor Robert Winston tells Professor Anthony Clare about his life and research career.

Forensic pathologist and crime writer Bernard Knight had to do thousands of autopsies in his career, often for grim reasons. He tells Professor Anthony Clare how he coped.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The pioneering human fertility expert tells Dr Anthony Clare about his life and research.

Ruth Rendell1994073120150704 (BBC7)
20150705 (BBC7)
20171209 (BBC7)
20171210 (BBC7)
Queen of crime Ruth Rendell tells Professor Anthony Clare why she's jaundiced about the idea of the 'happy family'.

Ruth Rendell was born in 1930 and died in 2015.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1994.

The queen of crime reveals why she is jaundiced about the idea of the 'happy family'.

Sir Colin Davis2015081520150816 (BBC7)Sir Colin Davis explores the psychological aspects of life as a music conductor with Professor Anthony Clare.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1994.

Colin Davis explores the psychological aspects of life as a music conductor.

Sir Peter Hall1990080120150912 (BBC7)
20150913 (BBC7)
Acclaimed theatre director Sir Peter Hall tells Professor Anthony Clare of the impact of shyness and obsession on his life.

After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The acclaimed theatre director tells Dr Anthony Clare of the impact of shyness on his life

Spike Milligan1982092520150627 (BBC7)
20150628 (BBC7)
Writer and comedian Spike Milligan tells Professor Antony Clare about the profound impact of shell shock on his mental health.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

The writer and comedian talks about the impact of shell shock on his mental health.

Stephen Fry1997062920140426 (BBC7)
20140427 (BBC7)
20160716 (BBC7)
20160717 (BBC7)
20190615 (BBC7)
20190616 (BBC7)
Actor and writer Stephen Fry opens up to Dr Anthony Clare about love, self-loathing and contemplating suicide.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

The actor and writer opens up about love, self-loathing and contemplating suicide.

Steven Berkoff1998101120140726 (BBC7)
20140727 (BBC7)
The director and playwright tells Anthony Clare about his lonely childhood.
Susan Howatch1994082820151205 (BBC7)
20151206 (BBC7)
Author Susan Howatch explores the psychological aspects of life as a successful writer with Professor Anthony Clare.

Forensic pathologist and crime writer Bernard Knight had to do thousands of autopsies in his career, often for grim reasons. He tells Professor Anthony Clare how he coped.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

Author Susan Howatch explores the psychological aspects of life as a successful writer.

Tony Benn2015121920151220 (BBC7)
20171125 (BBC7)
20171126 (BBC7)
Former cabinet minister, politician and campaigner Tony Benn discusses his life and career with Professor Anthony Clare. From 1995.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1995.

Uri Geller1996081120160109 (BBC7)
20160110 (BBC7)
20190601 (BBC7)
20190602 (BBC7)
Spoon-bending TV illusionist Uri Geller reflects on his unusual life with Professor Anthony Clare.

Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1996.

Spoon-bending TV illusionist Uri Geller reflects on his unusual life.

Wayne Sleep1998091320140628 (BBC7)
20140629 (BBC7)
20160924 (BBC7)
20160925 (BBC7)
The dancer shares his thoughts on success, an awkward childhood, his physique and most famous partnership. From September 1998.

The dancer shares his thoughts on success, an awkward childhood, his physique and more.

Yehudi Menuhin1996070720151226 (BBC7)
20151227 (BBC7)
20171230 (BBC7)
20171231 (BBC7)
The celebrated violinist Yehudi Menuhin tells Professor Anthony Clare about the influences that shaped his life.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony Clare held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

Celebrated violinist Yehudi Menuhin tells Dr Anthony Clare about his influences.

Zoe Wanamaker1998102520140809 (BBC7)
20140810 (BBC7)
20160723 (BBC7)
20160724 (BBC7)
20190622 (BBC7)
20190623 (BBC7)
Actress Zoe Wanamaker opens up to Anthony Clare about her childhood, upbringing and relationship with her parents.

Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair. Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV. Series highlights include conversations with Bob Monkhouse, Cecil Parkinson and Gerry Adams.

First broadcast on Radio 4 in October 1998

Actress Zoe Wanamaker opens up to Anthony Clare about her childhood and upbringing.