In The Native State, By Tom Stoppard [Drama On 3]

Tom Stoppard's original 1991 radio drama, starring Felicity Kendal and Peggy Ashcroft.

The original recording of Stoppard's 1991 drama, commissioned by Radio 3, starring Felicity Kendal and Dame Peggy Ashcroft in her final dramatic role.

Tom Stoppard's prizewinning play is set in two places and periods: India in 1930 and England in the 1990s. A young poet with a scandalous reputation sits for a portrait whilst in India for her health. 60 years later, the portrait sparks difficult conversations about Indian history and the story behind the painting itself.

This is an archive edition of Drama on 3 from 1991 - to mark the death last month of its director John Tydeman, a former head of BBC Radio Drama. Tydeman collaborated with Joe Orton (when he was an unknown writer), Tom Stoppard and Caryl Churchill on their radio plays and famously commissioned the very first version of the Diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 3/4 by Sue Townsend.

Mrs Swan

~In The Native State, By Tom Stoppard [drama On 3]

Mrs Swan - .. Peggy Ashcroft

Flora Crewe - .. Felicity Kendal

Nirad Das - .. Sam Dastor

Anish Das - .. Lyndam Gregory

Rajah - .. Saeed Jaffrey

David Durance - .. Simon Treves

Mr Pike - .. William Hootkins

Coomaraswami.... Renu Setna

The Resident - .. Brett Usher

Nazrul - .. Amerjit Deu

Francis Swan - .. Mark Straker

Nell - .. Emma Gregory

Englishwoman/Reader - .. Auriol Smith

Written by Tom Stoppard

Directed by John Tydeman

Originally aired on BBC Radio 3 on 21st April 1991

Coomaraswami - Renu Setna


DO3DO31991042120200503 (R3)