
01Away And Slightly To The Left1997111920130901 (BBC7)
20150325 (BBC7)
20160701 (BBC7)
20180218 (BBC7)
20191206 (BBC7)
20210425 (BBC7)
20210501 (BBC7)
20210502 (BBC7)
20221229 (BBC7)
20221230 (BBC7)
20250202 (BBC7)

Sam Varley is looking for a lift back to the mainland when his boat is wrecked in a storm.

Mr Brook is looking for an unforgettable adventure at sea, after a lifetime in custards.

Neither of them get quite what they're expecting on a boat called 'The Iguanodon'...

Marooned in a lighthouse, Sam finds his troubles just starting.

Marooned in a lighthouse, Sam finds his troubles just starting. Stars Bernard Cribbins and Sally Phillips. From November 1997.

Part of 4 Extra's Bernard Cribbins Day. The actor would have turned 94 on 29th December 2022.


02Big Fat Liars1997112620130908 (BBC7)
20150401 (BBC7)
20160708 (BBC7)
20180225 (BBC7)
20191213 (BBC7)
20210502 (BBC7)
20250209 (BBC7)

Don O'Reilly discovers smoking and hiding do not mix - and they all come second in a run-in with some very insistent pirates.

The passengers and crew of 'The Iguanodon' are still adrift in the Woe Betides.

Other parts played by Fred Harris and Kevin Eldon.

O'Reilly is spooked when the boat runs aground on a prison island in the Woe-Betides.

O'Reilly is spooked when the boat runs aground on a prison island in the Woe-Betides. Stars Bernard Cribbins. From November 1997.

The passengers and crew of 'The Iganodon' are still adrift in the Woe Betides.


03Two Sausage Rolls Between The Seven Of Us1997120320130915 (BBC7)
20150408 (BBC7)
20160715 (BBC7)
20180304 (BBC7)
20191220 (BBC7)
20210509 (BBC7)
20250216 (BBC7)

A startling revelation for Sam after he survives a sinking and the pirates - again.

The passengers and crew of 'The Iganodon' are still adrift in the Woe Betides. Will they ever get back to the mainland?

Other parts played by Fred Harris and Kevin Eldon.

A startling revelation for Sam after he survives a sinking and the pirates - again. Stars Bernard Cribbins. From December 1997.