The Election Debates [Newsbeat]


01Newsbeat Election Debate: Who Do You Trust?20150407The Newsbeat team are live from Leeds for the first of three special election debates.

All the news you need to know from the UK and around the world.

0220150421Newsbeat looks at the issues surrounding immigration, health and tuition fees.

All the news you need to know from the UK and around the world.

03Living, Working, Housing20150428Newsbeat discusses the issues surrounding the cost of living, employment and housing.

All the news you need to know from the UK and around the world.

04Election 201720170530Radio 1's Newsbeat teams up with BBC 2's Newsnight to look at how the election and the parties' polices affect older and younger voters.

From political engagement, to benefits, housing and where the future of Britain lies, an audience of under 30s and over 60s will debate with politicians and experts. The show will explore whether the UK is skewed to benefit one age group over another. Who gets the best deal, why do politicians treat different age groups differently and is there an inherent inter-generational unfairness?

Presented by Kirsty Wark and Jonathan Blake, a rich mix of voters, policy makers and opinion formers will try to bridge the generation gap.

Newsbeat and Newsnight discuss the election with an audience of under-30s and over-60s.

All the news you need to know from the UK and around the world.

05The Final Debate20170606An audience of 18- to 25-year-olds join Tina Daheley for a special Newsbeat debate.

All the news you need to know from the UK and around the world.