First Broadcast | Comments |
20140818 |
Friends are falling out and the atmosphere is tense around the family dinner table, as the temperature rises over the issue of Scottish independence. Husbands and wives may agree in general on politics but disagree, vehemently, on the idea of Scotland 'being a 'nation again'.
It's the heat of the debate, and the passions of those who have decided, that have marked much of this referendum, which centres on a particular vision for Scotland that goes beyond the party politics of general elections.
In her dying words Scottish politician Margo Macdonald spoke about the importance of soothing these divides and called for Scots to seek a common purpose, whatever the political landscape.
This programme captures these divisions in the run up to the referendum vote on September 18th, illustrating the strongly defined splits that exist on an individual basis as a means of reflecting a moment in time, when Scotland will need to find a path forward, no matter what the result of the vote.
James Naughtie talks to the husbands and wives, children and parents and friends who disagree over Scottish independence.
Producer: Caitlin Smith.
James Naughtie explores how the Scottish referendum is impacting on friends and family.
First Broadcast | Comments |
20140818 |