Title | First Broadcast | Repeated | Comments |
~~~ | 19940927 | 20180128 (BBC7) 20180129 (BBC7) 20220731 (BBC7) 20220801 (BBC7) |
'... He did that thing with his eyebrows that makes his nostrils flare, and said 'Ladies firsht', and I swear to God I nearly melted into a wee heap....'
No local lad can compare with her screen idol. Marina has an idea involving shortbread.
Written and read by Susie Maguire.
Producer: David Jackson Young
Title | First Broadcast | Repeated | Comments |
~~~ | 19940927 | 20180128 (BBC7) 20180129 (BBC7) 20220731 (BBC7) 20220801 (BBC7) |