
01~~~2017111320171114 (R4)The story of Joseph Conrad, abridged in five parts by Katrin Williams. He was the author of Heart Of Darkness, Lord Jim, and sailed the seas..

1. After the death of his father, young Conrad is in the care of his Uncle Tadeuz for some years. One day he announces his plans to go to sea, to travel to the great port of Marseilles and find a ship. How will his uncle react?

Reader Laurel Lefkow

Producer Duncan Minshull.

The story of Joseph Conrad, who wrote Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim and sailed the seas.

02~~~2017111420171115 (R4)The story of Joseph Conrad, abridged in five parts by by Katrin Williams. He was the author of Heart Of Darkness, Lord Jim, and sailed the seas..

2. It's 1878 and that teeming metropolis called London excites Conrad. From here he will board ships. And from other ports of the world he will board other ships, including the Vidar, which will fuel his writing life..

Reader Laurel Lefkow

Producer Duncan Minshull.

It is 1878, and Joseph Conrad arrives in teeming London, a metropolis of many types.

03~~~2017111520171116 (R4)The story of Joseph Conrad, abridged in five parts by Katrin Williams. He was the author of Heart Of Darkness, Lord Jim, and sailed the seas..

3. He meets Marguerite Poradowski and emotional letters follow - for years. Then his trek through the Congo to secure a posting is nightmarish, but the experience will later fuel his fiction.

Reader Laurel Lefkow

Producer Duncan Minshull.

Conrad meets Marguerite Poradowski. Then his novel Almayer's Folly starts to gather words.

04~~~2017111620171117 (R4)The story of Joseph Conrad, abridged by Katrin Williams. He was author of Heart Of Darkness, Lord Jim, and sailed the seas..

4. Recollections of the Congo endure, as does his correspondence with Marguerite. He meets Emilie Briquel, yet marries Jessie George. He produces various work at this time, yet those African memories are indelible and Heart Of Darkness will get written.

Reader Laurel Lefkow

Producer Duncan Minshull.

Back from the Congo, Conrad enjoys publication of his first novel.

05 LAST~~~2017111720171118 (R4)The story of Joseph Conrad, abridged by Katrin Williams. He was author of Heart Of Darkness, Lord Jim, and sailed the seas..

5. The late 1890's. He is settled with Jessie at Pent Farm, Kent, rubbing shoulders with various literary greats. His sea-faring days are over but the imaginative adventures continue to flourish and the novel Nostromo begins to take shape..

Reader Laurel Lefkow

Producer Duncan Minshull.

The story of Joseph Conrad, who wrote Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim and sailed the seas.