
At 752013051120130512 (BBC7)To mark his 75th birthday, the British playwright discusses his work with Mike Greenwood.
Barbara Allen2001091120110919 (BBC7)
20110920 (BBC7)
20120517 (BBC7)
20120518 (BBC7)
20140807 (BBC7)
20140808 (BBC7)
20170327 (BBC7)
20230605 (BBC7)
The mystery of love's compelling power, explored in a drama based on one of the best-loved folk songs of all time.

The story of high-born Jemmy Grove's unrequited obsession with beautiful artisan girl, Barbara Allen.

Starring Keith Barron and Honeysuckle Weeks.

Drama written by David Pownall.

John - Keith Barron

Jemmy - Benedict Sandiford

Barbara Allen - Honeysuckle Weeks

Silas - Adam Godley

Mrs Allen - Natasha Pyne

Mary - Jennie Stoller

Barnswell - Philip Joseph

Director: Peter Kavanagh

The tragic tale of Jemmy Grove's unrequited love, inspired by the classic folk song.

Bed For The Night2022030520230603 (R4)This contemporary play tackles something of the aftermath of Britain's colonial past and the contentious issue of illegal immigration. The action takes place in a house located in Brighton in 2022.

One evening, Daniel, now in his 80s, answers his front door and is confronted by Amos who asks him for a bed for the night. When Amos tells him that he is the grandson of someone Daniel employed when he worked in Rhodesia, Daniel invites him in. He feels deeply obligated to Amos and to the promises he made all those years ago to his grandfather.

Amos explains he is in the country illegally which presents problems for Daniel - especially when he is visited by the police. The two men form a close bond and memories flood back forcing Daniel to confront the years he spent in Rhodesia. Amos also helps with Daniel's wife, Flora, and the two clearly enjoy each other's company. Before long it is clear that Amos has' in effect, become the family servant just like his grandfather had been Daniel's servant many years before.

The play follows Amos' attempts to stay in the country, to be reunited with his family and to escape political problems in Zimbabwe. Together, the two men find a remarkable way to right former wrongs and form an even closer bond.

Nigel Anthony, Stefan Adegbola and Sarah Badel star in this powerful play by David Pownall, one of radio's most-distinquished writers who died last year. Martin Jenkins has directed over 30 plays by David Pownall.


Daniel .......... Nigel Anthony

Amos .......... Stefan Adegbola

Flora .......... Sarah Badel

Other roles played by:

Jenny Funnell, Alan Leith and Jane Whittenshaw

Written by David Pownall

Directed by Martin Jenkins

Sound Design by David Thomas

Production Co-ordinator: Sarah Tombling

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4

When a stranger asks him for a bed for the night, Daniel's life is totally changed.

Blitzma1999082720130514 (BBC7)
20130515 (BBC7)
20160313 (BBC7)
20160314 (BBC7)
Tommy Handley was the man that made the nation laugh during the darkest days of the Second World War in his surreal wartime radio extravaganza ITMA (It's That Man Again)

Handley's main target was Adolf Hitler who can't understand why the British continue to defy him - until Goebbels explains it is all down to ITMA. So they decide to create their own Nazi version...

David Pownall's drama stars Sam Kelly as Goebbels, Gerard Murphy as Hitler, Stella Gonet as

Magda, John Forgeham as Churchill and Carolyn Backhouse as Helga.

Director: Martin Jenkins

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1999.

Goebbels tries to create a Nazi version of Tommy Handley's popular radio show ITMA.

Byron's Fancy1999062720240824 (BBC7)
20240825 (BBC7)
Cambridge, 1807.

19-year-old Lord Byron is an undergraduate at Cambridge. He is already a published poet and despite being self-conscious about walking with a limp, he has many admirers of both sexes. Just before an assignation with a widow, he is badly beaten up and decides to go into training at Gentleman John Jackson's Boxing Academy. For payment, the bankrupt poet will teach the champion wrestler to write verse.

Byron - Jonathan Firth

John Edleston - Gareth Corke

Gentleman John Jackson - David Troughton

Mrs Ransom - Amanda Root

Byron's Mother - Jennifer Piercey

Lord Grey - David Allister

Kitty - Alison Pettitt

MC/Coachman - Ben Crowe

Written by David Pownall

Director Marina Caldarone

First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in June 1999

A thrill-seeking young poet gets beaten up and decides to learn how to box.

After an assault, reckless poet and seducer Lord Byron opts to learn self defence with a famous boxing coach. Stars Jonathan Firth.

Concorde20130510Episode 1 (of 3):

Concorde by David Pownall

Read by Bernard Cribbins

The first of three specially commissioned stories marking the 75th birthday of David Pownall, the distinguished playwright, novelist and poet.

Determined to win a race in his catamaran, an elderly sailor weighs up a newly arrived visitor.

Director: Martin Jenkins

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

A determination to win weighs heavily on an elderly sailor. Read by Bernard Cribbins.

Fishing For Ghosts1994101020231021 (BBC7)
20231022 (BBC7)
The panel of a well known literary prize suspect something fishy when they discover that a major political figure has entered the competition.

Starring Peter Vaughan.

Written by David Pownall.

Salmon Trout - Peter Vaughan

Betty - Susan Fleetwood

Martin - Hugh Ross

Michael - Neville Jason

Bill - George Parsons

Tony - Gavin Muir

Daffyd - Tom Bevan

Judith - Kristin Milward

Fergil - Don McCorkindale

Angus - David Jarvis

Lionel/Robert - Derek Waring

Hostess - Elaine Claxton

Liz - Susannah Corbett

Director: Eoin O'Callaghan

A major political figure raises suspicions when they enter a well known literary prize.

The panel of a literary prize suspect something fishy when a major political figure enters the competition. Stars Peter Vaughan.

Flos1982101020130512 (BBC7)
20130513 (BBC7)
In 1216, a stonemason urgently needs to collect his debts from the ailing King John.
Hard Frosts In Florence2005081920130516 (BBC7)
20130517 (BBC7)
A deeply troubled Michelangelo returns to Florence to view his David for the last time.
I Want To Go Home2000041420130515 (BBC7)
20130516 (BBC7)
20151025 (BBC7)
20151026 (BBC7)
20170831 (BBC7)
20170901 (BBC7)
20210423 (BBC7)
20210424 (BBC7)
And on the eighth day God created language. Little did he expect the confusion that would ensue...

David Pownall's comedy about the evolution of the English language.

I - David Bamber

Want - Joanna Monro

To Go - Ben Crowe

Home - Georgie Alexander

Cark - Struan Rodger

Angel of the Eighth Day - Andrew Scott

With John Hartley as the voice of God

Director: Peter Kavanagh

And on the eighth day God created language. Little did He expect the confusion that ensued

In Praise Of Evil2018111720230603 (BBC7)
20230604 (BBC7)
~David Pownall's drama imagines what may have happened if the composer Monteverdi had been summoned to Rome to appear before the all-powerful Inquisition on charges of allowing blasphemy and immorality to go unpunished at the end of his magnificent new opera ‘The Coronation of Poppea'.

The Emperor Nero, persecutor of the early Christian church, is the leading character and concludes the opera by singing a sublime love duet - something the church authorities cannot comprehend or sanction.

Weak and frightened, the elderly Monteverdi is even brought face to face with the highly unpredictable Pope.

How will Monteverdi escape the suffocating clutches of the Church?

Will the Inquisition succeed in stifling his creative impulses?

Why is the Pope so involved?

This is novelist and dramatist David Pownall's 89th play for radio - a remarkable achievement.

He revisits some of the long-standing areas of artistic interest that have always intrigued him. What motivates composers? What emotions inspire great music? How can a composer reconcile himself to the unbending demands of the Church or the State when under intense mental and physical pressure. Can a composer ever truly express himself under such strictures? This debate lies at the heart of his great stage play, the black comedy Master Class, in which Stalin tries to ‘persuade' Prokofiev and Shostakovitch to work together to produce the perfect piece of Soviet music.

Claudio Monteverdi - Jim Norton

Maffeo Barberini - David Horovitch

Claudia - Monica Dolan

Busenello - Anton Lesser

Domingo - Michael Maloney

Adriano and Bernini - Carl Prekopp

Sister John - James Joyce

The Pope's Secretary /Coachman - Andrew Branch

Giovanna and Martha - Jane Whittenshaw

Director: Martin Jenkins

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in November 2018.

Composer Monteverdi faces trial by the Inquisition for Blasphemy.

David Pownall's drama imagines what may have happened if the composer Monteverdi had been summoned to Rome to appear before the all-powerful Inquisition on charges of allowing blasphemy and immorality to go unpunished at the end of his magnificent new opera ‘The Coronation of Poppea'.

This is novelist and dramatist David Pownall's 89th play for radio – a remarkable achievement.

He revisits some of the long-standing areas of artistic interest that have always intrigued him. What motivates composers? What emotions inspire great music? How can a composer reconcile himself to the unbending demands of the Church or the State when under intense mental and physical pressure. Can a composer ever truly express himself under such strictures? This debate lies at the heart of his great stage play, the black comedy Master Class, in which Stalin tries to ‘persuade' Prokofiev and Shostakovitch to work together to produce the perfect piece of Soviet music.

No Two Rooms Alike20130517The story of an unusual journey taken by a father and son, both of whom are writers.
Ploughboy Monday1985110920130511 (BBC7)
20130512 (BBC7)
Harold leaves home after falling out with his parents. Award-winning radio play.
The Known Facts20130524Episode 3 (of 3):

The Known Facts by David Pownall

Read by Hannah Gordon

The last of three specially commissioned stories marking the 75th birthday of David Pownall, the distinguished playwright, novelist and poet.

During a visit to Ireland, a chance encounter with a local museum curator has a profound effect on three elderly academics and their different attitudes towards mortality.

Director: Martin Jenkins

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

An encounter with a local museum curator has a profound effect on three elderly academics.

Under The Table1995050620130518 (BBC7)
20130519 (BBC7)
20150214 (BBC7)
20150215 (BBC7)
20190427 (BBC7)
20190428 (BBC7)
Spring 1945: A boy overcomes his terror of a world at war to demand of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin - who are meeting in his grandfather's greenhouse - a reason why his mother is now widowed and inconsolable.

Starring David Calder as the storyteller, Kenneth Cranham as Seph Hammer, Robert Lang as Churchill, Andrew Sachs as Stalin, David Healy as Roosevelt, Jonathan Keeble as Hitler, Oliver Senton as Jack, Becky Hindley as Rusty, Maureen O'Brien as May Hammer, Peter Yapp as Mr Hunt, Natasha Pyne as Rouille, Andrew Branch as Bags and David Antrobus as Trevor.

Music composed by Neil Brand and performed by Sarah Homer.

Director: Eoin O'Callaghan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1995.

A boy witnesses the impact of war on his family from under the kitchen table.