Christopher Hitchens - Arguably


01Believe Me, It's Torture20111010In 'Believe Me - It's Torture', journalist Christopher Hitchens confronts the issue of whether waterboarding is torture, by being waterboarded himself.

Christopher Hitchens was a British-born political journalist and reviewer, who was based in the USA for over 25 years. His journalism, invariably polemical appeared in a variety of publications, mainly in the USA, but in the UK too. Arguably is the fifth collection of his journalism - the columns defined as 'Essays' in the book.

The five 'Essays'selected for Book Of The Week all originally appeared in The Atlantic Journal.

They are:

Hitchen's experience of being waterboarded (2008).

'Let Them Eat Pork Rinds'

How the rich perceive the poor (2005).

'The Vietnam Syndrome'

The ongoing tragedy of Agent Orange victims (2006).

'The Swastika and the Cedar'

The two faces of Beirut (2009).

'Flaw Of Gravity'

A review of Peter Ackroyds' biography of Isaac Newton (2008).

Written by Christopher Hitchens.

Read by Roger Allam

Producer: Gordon House

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

Christopher Hitchens explores the morality of waterboarding - by being waterboarded.

02Let Them Eat Pork Rinds20111011In 'Let Them Eat Pork Rinds', journalist Christopher Hitchens sees in the reactions to New Orleans floods, how the haves in society have always disdained the have nots.

Christopher Hitchens was a British-born political journalist and reviewer, who was based in the USA for over 25 years. His journalism, invariably polemical, appeared in a variety of publications, mainly in the USA, but in the UK too. Arguably is the fifth collection of his journalism - the columns defined as 'Essays' in the book.

The five 'Essays' selected for Book Of The Week all originally appeared in The Atlantic Journal.

Written by Christopher Hitchens

Read by Roger Allam

Producer: Gordon House

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

Christopher Hitchens appraises how the rich traditionally disdain the poor.

03The Vietnam Syndrome20111012Christopher Hitchens' disturbing report from Vietnam in 2006 on the continuing devastation caused by the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam war.

Christopher Hitchens was a British-born political journalist and reviewer, who was based in the USA for over 25 years. His journalism, invariably polemical, appeared in a variety of publications, mainly in the USA, but in the UK too. Arguably is the fifth collection of his journalism - the columns defined as 'Essays' in the book.

The five 'Essays' selected for Book Of The Week all originally appeared in The Atlantic Journal.

Written by Christopher Hitchens.

Read by Roger Allam

Producer: Gordon House

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

Hitchens' forceful condemnation of the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War.

04The Swastika And The Cedar20111013Christopher Hitchens' has a brutal confrontation in Beirut, but finds that is only one face of a remarkable city.

Christopher Hitchens was a British-born political journalist and reviewer, who was based in the USA for over 25 years. His journalism, invariably polemical, appeared in a variety of publications, mainly in the USA, but in the UK too. Arguably is the fifth collection of his journalism - the columns defined as 'Essays' in the book.

The five 'Essays' selected for Book Of The Week all originally appeared in The Atlantic Journal.

Written by Christopher Hitchens. Abridged by Pete Nichols

Read by Roger Allam

Producer: Gordon House

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

A brutal confrontation in Beirut is only one face of a remarkable city.

05 LASTFlaws Of Gravity20111014Hitchens' uses Peter Ackroyd's biography of Isaac Newton as a springboard for a nostalgic rumination on science and Cambridge.

Christopher Hitchens was a British-born political journalist and reviewer, who was based in the USA for over 25 years. His journalism, invariably polemical, appeared in a variety of publications, mainly in the USA, but in the UK too. Arguably is the fifth collection of his journalism - the columns defined as 'Essays' in the book.

The five 'Essays'selected for Book Of The Week all originally appeared in The Atlantic Journal.

Written by Christopher Hitchens

Read by Roger Allam

Producer: Gordon House

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

Peter Ackroyd's biography of Isaac Newton sparks Hitchens' nostalgic rumination on science