Bird Island

Cheery young scientist Ben tries to adapt to the loneliness of working in the Antarctic.


20140504[LISTEN NOW]
01012012061320151007 (BBC7)
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20200403 (BBC7)
20220325 (BBC7)
20220326 (BBC7)
20220327 (BBC7)
20240426 (BBC7)
20131204 (R4)
Ben is on the trip of a lifetime to Sub-Antarctica.

Yet he's trapped in an icy hell with one other person, a dodgy internet connection and a Dictaphone.

Fellow travelling scientist Graham is also a nerd, so he's not much help in alleviating the loneliness. No wonder they both fail to share all the highs and lows of exploring this beautiful, but lonely landscape.

So, Ben tries to socially adapt to his loneliness by keeping a cheery audio diary.

In this opening episode, Ben loses his watch and logs on to a dating website.

Written by Katy Wix.

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

Scientist Ben loses his watch and logs on to a dating website. With Reece Shearsmith.

Lonely scientist Ben keeps a cheery audio diary in sub-Antarctica. Stars Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From June 2012.

01022012062020151014 (BBC7)
20170704 (BBC7)
20200410 (BBC7)
20220401 (BBC7)
20240503 (BBC7)
20131211 (R4)
Ben is on the trip of a lifetime to Sub-Antarctica.

Yet he's trapped in an icy hell with one other person, a dodgy internet connection and a Dictaphone.

Fellow travelling scientist Graham is also a nerd, so he's not much help in alleviating the loneliness. No wonder they both fail to share all the highs and lows of exploring this beautiful, but lonely landscape.

So, Ben tries to socially adapt to his loneliness by keeping a cheery audio diary.

In this episode, Ben and Graham are short on food supplies and can't radio main base.

Tensions rise as they are forced to survive on porridge.

Written by Katy Wix

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

Ben and Graham are short on food supplies and cannot radio main base.

Short on food supplies, Ben and Graham must survive on porridge. Stars Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From June 2012.

01032012062720151021 (BBC7)
20170711 (BBC7)
20200417 (BBC7)
20220408 (BBC7)
20240510 (BBC7)
20131218 (R4)
Ben is on the trip of a lifetime to Sub-Antarctica.

Yet he's trapped in an icy hell with one other person, a dodgy internet connection and a Dictaphone.

Fellow travelling scientist Graham is also a nerd, so he's not much help in alleviating the loneliness. No wonder they both fail to share all the highs and lows of exploring this beautiful, but lonely landscape.

So, Ben tries to socially adapt to his loneliness by keeping a cheery audio diary.

In this episode, Ben and Graham encounter a seal cub that's been attacked. He takes it home and carefully nurses it back to life and share the pup's progress with his mum and dad.

Beverley - Alison Steadman

Robin - Gerard Mcdermott

Written by Katy Wix

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani.

Ben finds a seal cub that has been attacked. He takes it home and nurses it back to life.

Working in Sub-Antarctica, Ben and Graham find an injured seal pup. With Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From June 2012.

0104 LAST2012070420151028 (BBC7)
20170718 (BBC7)
20200424 (BBC7)
20220415 (BBC7)
20240517 (BBC7)
20140101 (R4)
Ben is on the trip of a lifetime to Sub-Antarctica.

Yet he's trapped in an icy hell with one other person, a dodgy internet connection and a Dictaphone.

Fellow travelling scientist Graham is also a nerd, so he's not much help in alleviating the loneliness. No wonder they both fail to share all the highs and lows of exploring this beautiful, but lonely landscape.

So, Ben tries to socially adapt to his loneliness by keeping a cheery audio diary.

In this episode, Graham gives the shock news that a new member of the team is joining them.

Jane - Katy Wix

Written by Katy Wix

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

Graham tells Ben a new scientist is joining them in Sub-Antarctica. With Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From June 2012.

02012014050420140509 (BBC7)
20140510 (BBC7)
20140511 (BBC7)
20180505 (BBC7)
20200726 (BBC7)
20210328 (BBC7)
20230302 (BBC7)
20241108 (BBC7)
20160914 (R4)

Ben, a young scientist working in Antarctica, tries to adapt to the loneliness by keeping a cheery audio diary on his Dictaphone.

In this episode, Ben is all consumed by a new cereal bar while Jane and Graham are completing the Penguin Census.

Jane - Katy Wix

Beverley - Alison Steadman

Atmospheric sitcom written by Katy Wix.

It's Ben's trip of a lifetime, but in a vast icy landscape with dodgy internet. Feeling lonely, he shares his thoughts via an audio 'log' on his dictaphone.

Graham is a fellow nerdy scientist so their exchanges are mumbled. Ben's even more awkward around new arrival Jane, though he's not entirely sure why.

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

A cereal bar fills up scientist Ben's audio diary in the subantarctic.

A cereal bar fills up scientist Ben's audio diary in Sub-Antarctica. Stars Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From 2014.


02022014051120140516 (BBC7)
20140517 (BBC7)
20140518 (BBC7)
20180512 (BBC7)
20210404 (BBC7)
20230309 (BBC7)
20241115 (BBC7)
20160921 (R4)

Young scientist Ben tests out a new coat, suitable for the cold climate in Antarctica.

Meanwhile Jane celebrates her birthday.

Shanghai Solitaire Voice - Julian Rhind-Tutt

Jane - Katy Wix

Atmospheric comedy about a cheery scientist based in Sub-Antarctica by Katy Wix.

It's Ben's trip of a lifetime, but in a vast icy landscape with dodgy internet. Feeling lonely, he shares his thoughts via an audio 'log' on his dictaphone.

Graham is a fellow nerdy scientist so their exchanges are mumbled. Ben's even more awkward around new arrival Jane, though he's not entirely sure why.

Producer: Tilusha Ghelan

Ben tests out a new coat suitable for the climate in the subantarctic.

Testing a coat for Antarctica is logged in scientist Ben's audio diary. Stars Reece Shearsmith and Julian Rhind-Tutt. From 2014.


02032014051820140523 (BBC7)
20140524 (BBC7)
20140525 (BBC7)
20180519 (BBC7)
20230316 (BBC7)
20241122 (BBC7)
20160928 (R4)

Graham teaches Ben to abseil and the bathroom lock in the Unit base is broken.

Mother - Alison Steadman

Jane - Katy Wix

Atmospheric comedy about a cheery scientist based in Sub-Antarctica by Katy Wix.

It's Ben's trip of a lifetime, but in a vast icy landscape with dodgy internet. Feeling lonely, he shares his thoughts via an audio 'log' on his dictaphone.

Graham is a fellow nerdy scientist so their exchanges are mumbled. Ben's even more awkward around new arrival Jane, though he's not entirely sure why.

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

Graham teaches Ben to abseil and the bathroom lock in the Unit base is broken. Stars Reece Shearsmith and Katy Wix. From 2014.


0204 LAST2014052520140530 (BBC7)
20140531 (BBC7)
20140601 (BBC7)
20180526 (BBC7)
20210418 (BBC7)
20230323 (BBC7)
20241129 (BBC7)
20161005 (R4)

Ben gets a new telescope, and Graham has some big news.

Beverley - Alison Steadman

Robin - Richard Aldridge

Atmospheric comedy about a cheery scientist based in Sub-Antarctica by Katy Wix.

It's Ben's trip of a lifetime, but in a vast icy landscape with dodgy internet. Feeling lonely, he shares his thoughts via an audio 'log' on his dictaphone.

Graham is a fellow nerdy scientist so their exchanges are mumbled. Ben's even more awkward around new arrival Jane, though he's not entirely sure why.

Producer: Tilusha Ghelan

Jane - Katy Wix

Ben gets a new telescope, and Graham has some big news. Starring Julian Rhind-Tutt and Alison Steadman. From 2014.