Top Of The World [Drama]

Top of the World is Gloria's chart-topping podcast that promises healing with altitude. She's a relationship therapist who takes troubled couples for mountain walks. These people have problems, but the summit of Schiehallion or Helvellyn lends perspective. Secrets are shared, buried traumas are exposed to the healing mountain light.

Sian and Jamie have felt their ten year marriage crumble as political arguments became personal and Covid lockdown kept them from their one shared interest. Their mutual friend Tom, a big fan of the podcast, has asked Gloria to help out. The unhappy couple agree to a hike up Cadair Idris in search of reconciliation.

Gloria: Jeany Spark

Sian: Siwan Morris

Jamie: Robert Wilfort

Tom: Matthew Aubrey

Writer: Hugh Costello

Director: Alasdair Cross

Can a mountain save a marriage? Gloria is a therapist and podcaster who's sure it can.

Can a mountain save a marriage? Gloria is a therapist and podcaster who takes troubled couples on hikes that offer their relationship a stiff dose of healing mountain light.


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