
0120081231Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya.

Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya

012008123120090302 (R4)Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya.

Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya


Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya for the first time in 50 years to discover how the modern Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya has changed from the place he remembers from his youth.

Peter leaves the city of Benghazi, and his childhood memories of Cyrene, to visit Tripoli for the first time, and to find out more about how Libya is adapting to the modern world.

Peter leaves the city of Benghazi, and his childhood memories of Cyrene, to visit Tripoli.

Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya

022009010720090309 (R4)

Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya for the first time in 50 years to discover how the modern Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya has changed from the place he remembers from his youth.

Peter leaves the city of Benghazi, and his childhood memories of Cyrene, to visit Tripoli for the first time, and to find out more about how Libya is adapting to the modern world.

Peter leaves the city of Benghazi, and his childhood memories of Cyrene, to visit Tripoli.

Broadcaster Peter Snow returns to scenes of his post-war childhood in Libya