Series | Episode | Title | First Broadcast | Repeated | Comments |
01 | 01 | The Announcement | 20160824 | 20180718 (BBC7) 20180719 (BBC7) 20200201 (BBC7) 20210801 (BBC7) 20210807 (BBC7) 20210808 (BBC7) 20240109 (BBC7) 20180711 (R4) | Josh and his wife Monique attend a family funeral where Josh manages to fall out with everyone and spectacularly fails to keep the news of the pregnancy under wraps. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Spencer Brown Carol Dance Stella Duffy Kerry Godliman Steve Jameson Peter Walsingham A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in August 2016. . Sitcom in which Josh Howie comes to terms with the impending birth of his first child. Josh falls out with everyone at a family funeral and spectacularly fails to keep news of his wife's pregnancy secret. From 2016. |
01 | 02 | The Letter | 20160831 | 20180725 (BBC7) 20180726 (BBC7) 20200208 (BBC7) 20210808 (BBC7) 20240116 (BBC7) 20180718 (R4) | Josh and his wife Monique go to the hospital to attend their 20 week scan. Unfortunately Monique has forgotten the appointment letter, which is the only thing Josh can now think about. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Jed Aukin Liz Garland Michael Legge Shazia Mirza Paul Tonkinson A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in August 2016. Josh and his wife go for their 20-week scan. Comedian Josh Howie comes to terms with the impending birth of his first child as their 20-week scan beckons. From 2016. |
01 | 03 | The Travel System | 20160907 | 20180801 (BBC7) 20180802 (BBC7) 20200215 (BBC7) 20210815 (BBC7) 20240123 (BBC7) 20180725 (R4) | Josh attempts to buy a pram on the cheap while also trying to convince his mechanic to give him a good deal. Sitcom in which stand-up comic Josh comes to terms with the impending birth of his first child. Starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Nej Adamson Gavin Forward Jo Romero A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in September 2016. Josh attempts to buy a pram on the cheap. Josh attempts to buy a pram on the cheap while also trying to convince his mechanic to give him a good deal. From 2016. |
01 | 04 | The Route | 20160914 | 20180808 (BBC7) 20180809 (BBC7) 20200222 (BBC7) 20210822 (BBC7) 20240130 (BBC7) 20180801 (R4) | Josh and his wife Monique attend their first NCT class where he typically manages to fall out with almost everyone. Sitcom in which stand-up comic Josh comes to terms with the impending birth of his first child. Starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Jenny Bede Stephen Hagan Caroline Mabey Debra Tammer Wendy Wason. A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in September 2016. Josh and his wife Monique attend their first NCT class. Josh and his wife attend their first NCT class, where Josh typically manages to fall out with almost everyone. From 2016. |
01 | 05 | The Handyman | 20160921 | 20180815 (BBC7) 20180816 (BBC7) 20200229 (BBC7) 20210829 (BBC7) 20240206 (BBC7) 20180808 (R4) | Josh and his wife Monique employ handyman Dean to get the flat ready for the baby. However Josh soon discovers that Dean holds some very challenging opinions, especially when it comes to Jews. Starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Alexei Sayle Jo Romero Jonathan Kemp. A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in September 2016. Josh employs handyman Dean to get the flat ready for the baby. Handyman Dean helps get the flat ready for the baby, but Josh soon finds he holds some very challenging opinions. From 2016. |
01 | 06 LAST | The Plan | 20160928 | 20180822 (BBC7) 20180823 (BBC7) 20200307 (BBC7) 20210905 (BBC7) 20210911 (BBC7) 20210912 (BBC7) 20240213 (BBC7) 20180815 (R4) | Josh and his wife Monique's big day finally arrives. Josh has the birth ball and all meditation music but typically, at the crucial moment, disaster strikes. Starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. With Jenny Bede, Carole Dance, Stella Duffy, Caroline Mabey, Debra Tammer and Wendy Wason. A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in September 2016. It's the big day and Josh has the birth ball and meditation music - but at a crucial moment, disaster strikes. From 2016. |
02 | 01 | The Visitor | 20181001 | 20220725 (BBC7) 20220726 (BBC7) 20220730 (BBC7) 20240319 (BBC7) | Return of stand-up comic Josh Howie coming to terms with with the birth of his first child. Josh and his wife Monique prepare for a visit from the health visitor - who Josh manages to get on the wrong side of, as only he can. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Kerry Godliman Julian Deane Jonathan Kemp A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in October 2018. Return of comic Josh Howie trying to come to terms with the birth of his first child. Coming to terms with the birth of his first child – Josh Howie and his wife prepare to welcome their Health Visitor. From 2018. |
02 | 02 | The Choice | 20181008 | 20220801 (BBC7) 20220802 (BBC7) 20240326 (BBC7) | Stand-up comic Josh and his wife comes to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh and his wife visit a friend to discuss the idea of circumcision. Unfortunately Josh isn't entirely comfortable with what they have to say. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Tova Leigh Liran Nathan First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2018. Josh and his wife visit a friend to discuss circumcision, but Josh isn't comfortable. Stand-up comic Josh and his wife battle to come to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh and his wife visit a friend to discuss circumcision, but Josh isn't entirely comfortable with what they say. From 2018. |
02 | 03 | The Covenant | 20181015 | 20220808 (BBC7) 20220809 (BBC7) 20240402 (BBC7) | Stand-up comic Josh and his wife comes to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh tries to convince a mohel that Monique was born Jewish - and there's an unusual item to dispose of. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Paul Chahidi Caroline Mabey Natasha Radski Xavi Spencer Emma Jay Thomas First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2018. Josh tries to convince a mohel that Monique was born Jewish. Josh tries to convince a mohel that Monique was born Jewish – and there's an unusual item to dispose of. Stand-up comic Josh and his wife try to come to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh tries to convince a mohel that Monique was born Jewish – and there's an unusual item to dispose of. From 2018. |
02 | 04 | The Getaway | 20181022 | 20220815 (BBC7) 20220816 (BBC7) 20240409 (BBC7) | Stand-up comic Josh and his wife battle to come to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh and Monique take their baby away for a weekend in Ireland. Sadly the trip doesn't get off to the best of starts when Josh upsets several people on the plane. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Donal Coxi Julian Deane Stephen Hagen Jonathan Kemp Debra Tammer Wendy Wason First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2018. Sitcom starring comedian Josh Howie coming to terms with the birth of his first child. Josh and his wife take their baby away for a weekend. Josh and his wife take their baby away for a weekend but it doesn't start well and Josh upsets people on the plane. From 2018. |
02 | 05 | The Playgroup | 20181029 | 20220822 (BBC7) 20220823 (BBC7) 20240416 (BBC7) | Stand-up comic Josh and his wife battle to come to terms with the arrival of their first child. Monique has work so Josh has to take their son to his playgroup single-handed. What could possibly go wrong? Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Donal Coxi Julian Deane Stephen Hagen Jonathan Kemp Debra Tammer Wendy Wason First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2018. Monique has work so Josh has to take their son single-handedly to his playgroup. Monique has work so Josh has to take their son single-handedly to his playgroup. What could possibly go wrong? From 2018. |
02 | 06 LAST | The Cake | 20181105 | 20220829 (BBC7) 20220830 (BBC7) 20240423 (BBC7) | Stand-up comic Josh and his wife battle to come to terms with the arrival of their first child. Josh and Monique organise their son's first birthday party. However Monique isn't happy when she realizes Josh has only invited a certain group of people. Sitcom starring Josh Howie and Pippa Evans. Josh - Josh Howie Monique - Pippa Evans Dana Alexander Gavin Forward Judith Jacob Ed Kear Jo Romero First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2018. Josh and Monique organise their son's first birthday party, but she isn't happy with the invite list. From 2018. |