Every Move You Make


0120070219Jo tries to make sense of her builder-architect boyfriend and his legacy.

A selection of short stories by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf


A selection of short stories from the latest collection by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf.

Read by Andrew William Robb, abridged by Richard Hamilton.

For Andy Mayo, a funeral in the Big Smoke offers up an unlikely opportunity for excitement, and a momentary escape from the smallness of his daily life.

For Andy Mayo, a funeral in the Big Smoke offers up an unlikely opportunity.

A selection of short stories by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf

03War Baby, Part One20070221A young man prepares to fight in the Vietnam War.

A selection of short stories by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf

04War Baby, Part Two20070222

A selection of short stories from the latest collection by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf. Read by Matt Dyktynski, abridged by Richard Hamilton.

Charlie Dowd's experiences in Vietnam have left him with invisible wounds that appear to have altered the shape of his life. Yet a moment of playful delight promises something new.

Charlie Dowd's experiences in Vietnam have left him with invisible wounds.

A selection of short stories by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf

05Towards Midnight20070223

A selection of short stories from the latest collection by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf.

Read by Nicolette McKenzie, abridged by Richard Hamilton.

Watching from her balcony in the Tuscan hills, a woman catches sight of an uninvited swimmer in her pool. His presence triggers suppressed memories.

In the Tuscan hills, a woman catches sight of an uninvited swimmer in her pool.

A selection of short stories by one of Australia's master storytellers, David Malouf